chapter 2 The Glowing runes

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But now he had finally found hope.

But why was he trembling? He had read the last rune, yet he struggled to comprehend it's meaning.

Not because he couldn't read the language depicted in the harrowing stones or because his brain was in a state of utter shambles.

But simply because he didn't want to. At least not yet.

Kreed knew that if he continued with his current task it could lead to his death. And although Kreed wished to die desperately, he also grew attached to a single feeling, in life.

The feeling of victory, to Kreed this was his sweetest possession. And survival was the greatest victory of them all.

But Kreed couldn't help but shiver as the thoughts of the previous runes he read assaulted his already broken mind.

The things he learned, seemed nothing short of a fairytale. But Kreed wasn't fooled although digesting and believing the information was a little troublesome, Kreed knew that every word he read was true.

Most likely because he, once saw a taciturn demon like creature himself and didn't find it hard to imagine more harrowing and repulsive beings. But mainly because everytime he focused on the words in his mind a crushing barrier of unspeakable invisible force would raid his mind making him forget his already scattered thoughts.

So Kreed just sat there in the dark chilling room reading the last tablet over and over again.

Then it was time.

Hugging his legs tighter Kreed thought.

'lets get this over with, I haven't eaten in 7 days. At this point I might really die from starvation.'

Then everything changed!

As Kreed read the runes aloud, the dark atmosphere in the cathedral hall, shifted. Becoming more Erie with each word.

...And then it opened.

The runes ignited, with a blue hue of incandescent light.
The hall seemed to be enveloped in a dark mist of smoke.

Then he heard it

[ "Kneel child, you are in the presence of ".. Unknown.."]

The voice resounded throughout the hall, making Kreed shiver. Instantly he was forced to the ground the bench beneath him cracking from the speed of the untold energy. His already fragile bones groaned from the impact.

Then there was silence. Kreed struggled to raise his head, straining his eyes to pierce the surrounding hall.

'What had just happened? Is their someone behind me? Wait no, the force assaulted me from all angles, why did it do that. Wait the voice I heard what is that? It sounded close and distant at the same time, crude and melodic, almost as if it didn't exist, or rather wasn't meant to. '

Kreed's mind was in disarray, many thoughts flowed through it at once. Each greater and more dire than the other.

'wait, when it spoke It mentioned a being.
The "unknown" what was it?'

Of course Kreed knew the answer, based on what he read in the runes. What the voice referred to as "unknown" was a being so great that the voice itself couldn't comprehend it's existence, so why could he?

'wait... the voice, it said, I was in it's presence'

Shifting his gaze Kreed studied the hall, he felt it something had indeed changed in the hall.
But what? Scanning the room Kreed tried desperately to figure it out.

Of course the room remained the same, but now it was illuminated by the blue lights of the runes. The bench on which he sat only a few seconds ago was crushed and dismantled by the unknown force which had assaulted him yet that wasn't it.

Focusing it finally became evident,... it was the darkness. The once Erie and murky darkness, was now different somehow. It felt pure as if even the bold glare of the sun's rays wouldn't be able to pierce it. Even kreeds eyes which had grown able to see even in the darkest of caves, couldn't see more than a couple of meters from his position on the ground.

As he thought about this, the darkness moved swirling around him and the runes like a twisted dance of forgotten memories. Each symbol etched into the ancient stones seemed to whisper secrets from a time long lost. The air became heavy with the weight of history, and an otherworldly energy pulsed through the room, drawing him deeper into the mystical embrace of the runes. As the darkness continued its enchanting waltz, he felt a connection to the arcane, a doorway opening to realms untouched by mortal hands.

Then it sounded 'acho' Kreed drew his gaze to the sound as fast as he could. What he saw doh left him utterly speechless.

Infront of him sitting on the glowing runes was a figure. The figure wiped his nose and then looked at Kreed. His eyes were vast and transparent. They held memories of an eternity, leaving them filled with countless dark incomprehensible emotions. The figure looked human like yet it's portions were all wrong, it was as if it wanted to mimic the human body but failed terribly. No it was as if humans were a replica of this said creature.

The creatures features were stalwart and almost majestic. His skin was shrouded by black flames of darkness, giving of a feeling of utter terror and perfectness. There were countless things about the creature that couldn't be described with words. One such anomaly being that Kreed couldn't seem to comprehend the height or gender of the creature. Kreed could see the creatures eyes and face yet they seemed to shift and change with evey second. The creatures presence was overwhelming and calming at the same time.

Then it spoke.

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