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Geryon had a trolley thing—like one of those kiddie trains that take you around zoos. It was painted black and white in a cowhide pattern. The driver's car had a set of longhorns stuck to the hood, and the horn sounded like a cowbell. I figured maybe this was how he gave people his tours but the look on Percy's face told me he thought it was a torture device, what a weirdo. He embarrassed them to death riding around in the moo-mobile. Nico sat in the very back, probably so he could keep an eye on the other people, I followed and sat beside him, grinning at him.

Eurytion crawled in next to him with his spiked club and pulled his cowboy hat over his eyes like he was going to take a nap. Orthus jumped in the front seat next to Geryon and began barking happily in two-part harmony. Annabeth, Tyson, Grover, and I took the middle two cars."We have a huge operation!" Geryon boasted as the moo-mobile lurched forward. "Horses and cattle mostly, but all sorts of exotic varieties, too."We came over a hill, and Annabeth gasped. "Hippalektryons? I thought they were extinct!"

I looked at Annabeth in confusion, furrowing my eyebrows. "Uhm, sorry, what's a heppalectreyon?" I asked the other people, Percy seemed to nod, though I wasn't really looking at him, my gaze was on Annabeth, waiting for her to explain to me what the hell a hippalektryon is. Annabeth seemed annoyed by me. "What half-blood doesn't know mythology by now? And it's Hippalektryon, not whatever you just said." Well, shit okay girl. "Look, I don't even know what a half-blood is!" I said with an exasperated tone, frowning.

Everyone but Nico looked at me weirdly, Nico just looked a little embarrassed, like he forgot to explain something to me. "You don't know what a half-blood is and you're with Nico?!" Percy looked heavily confused and shocked. "Uhm," I said as I shot Nico a look. "No? I mean is that like something to do with Nico's father?" I asked, looking between Percy and Annabeth, not really paying attention to the others, but Geryon and Eurytion looked amused.

Annabeth nodded, she looked a bit annoyed. "Yeah. Okay, basically your a half-blood--" I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I know that much." I interrupted, which caused Annabeth to stare at me with an un-amused expression. "-- Don't interrupt me if you want to know." I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest as I stared at her, waiting for her to continue speaking. "As I was saying, you're a half-blood, you're half-god." I raised my eyebrows, making a 'o' with my mouth, which quickly turned into a grin. "Really? Who's my parent?" I ask Annabeth, my questions cause Percy to snort. "Oh shut up! You were probably like this too when you found out!" I say as I shoot Percy a glare.

Annabeth grinned at my remark, Percy only shrugged, he had a grin on his face as he looked at me. "You're not wrong," Percy grinned, but Annabeth shook her head. "Whatever, Percy's brain tends to be water-logged at times, as I was saying, you're a demigod, I'm not sure who your parent is, its anyone's guess." Annabeth continued, then gave me a small smile, I'm getting the feeling that she's gonna warm up to me when we're better friends, maybe, hopefully. "Oh. Okay!" I nod, then turn my attention to the tour we were on as Annabeth continued explaining the general idea of my parentage.

By the time Annabeth finished talking, we had arrived at the bottom of the hill, it was a fenced-in pasture with a dozen of the weirdest animals I'd ever seen. Each had the front half of a horse and the back half of a rooster. Their rear feet were huge yellow claws. They had leathery tails and red wings. As I watched, two of them got in a fight over a pile of seed. They reared up on their wings at each other until the smaller one galloped away, its rear bird legs putting a little hop in its step."Rooster ponies," the cyclops dude, Tyson, I think, said in amazement. "Do they lay eggs?"

"Once a year!" Geryon grinned in the rearview mirror. "Very much in demand for omelettes!" "That's horrible!" Annabeth said. "They must be an endangered species!"Geryon waved his hand. "Gold is gold, darling. And you haven't tasted the omelettes." "That's not right," the guy with goat legs said, I think he's a satyr, I think his name was Grover, he murmured under his breath, but Geryon just kept narrating the tour.

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