01 - DEAD?

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Look, I didn't want to be a weird kid, or magically find some kid with powers.

I stared blankly at the fire, it was blue, I had become used to these odd things while taking care of Nico, the little emo kid I managed to uh.. attract..? I don't really know, Nico just sort of stuck to me one day, I was at a McDonald's, getting some food and this kid full-on ran into me, then just kinda stuck by my side I guess, I looked over to him, I frowned slightly as I watched Nico toss another trading card into the blue flames. "Useless," he muttered. "I can't believe I ever liked this stuff."

"A childish game, master," another voice agreed. The voice came from beside the fire, it was disembodied, I had come accustomed to this voice randomly popping up, I think he's a ghost, but I'm not sure. I looked over to where the voice came from as I sat on the uncomfortable log, it was a dried-up oak log that I had heaved over to give Nico and me a seat beside the fire. Nico stared across the river. On the far shore was a black beach shrouded inhaze. I had already been told what it was; the Underworld. Nico and I were camping at the edge of the river Styx, I didn't even know that was real, I thought it was just something from mythology. 

"I mean-" I interrupted. "I think they were cool," I spoke with a grin, hoping it would cheer Nico up, but my words fell mainly on deaf ears, I merely got a huff of annoyance from the ghost, which I couldn't see, I still haven't even gotten his name.

"I've failed," The younger boy beside me muttered. "There's no way to get her back."The other voice kept silent. I frowned and took my marshmallow out of the blue flames, then inwardly groaned, I had burnt it, there was pretty much nothing left on the stick. "Dam it." I murmur, I had blocked out the conversation at this point, I was just disappointed about my marshmallow.

Nico turned toward it doubtfully. "Is there? Speak."Something shimmered as I looked up from my burnt marshmallow. I thought it was just firelight.  I realized it was the form of a man—a wisp of blue smoke, a shadow. If you looked athim head-on, he wasn't there. But if you looked out of the corner of your eye,you could make out his shape. A ghost..? "Woah! Hold up! Why can I see you now?" I blurt out, cutting off Nico and the ghost, both of which seem to ignore me, this always happens when Nico wants to know something badly.

"It has never been done," the ghost said. "But there may be a way.""Tell me," Nico commanded. His eyes shined with a fierce light."An exchange," the ghost said. "A soul for a soul." I huff as the ghost speaks, I just look away and toss my burnt marshmallow at him, it obviously goes right through him. I got shot an unimpressed look by the ghost as I did that.

"I've offered!" Nico responds with a deep frown, his black hair, which I had previously tried to get him to brush out, looked weird with the way the smoke slithered between us. Waving my hand around to get the smoke away from me as I wait for the ghost's response to Nico's retort.

"Not yours," the ghost said. "You cannot offer your father a soul he willeventually collect anyway. Nor will he be anxious for the death of his son. Imean a soul that should have died already. Someone who has cheateddeath." This was where I always got confused and zoned out, who the hell was Nico's father? Like hello? I'm here too, keep me in the loop, somehow I didn't zone out this time.

Nico's face darkened. "Not that again. You're talking about murder.""I'm talking about justice," the ghost said. "Vengeance." I felt some odd chill run down my back as they spoke, it wasn't from the topic, no it felt like someone was watching us. I turned my head around slowly, looking around for who was watching them, but I found nothing, just some weird shimmer behind a tree.

"Those are not the same thing," Nico replied, still frowning at the ghost, I still don't know why I can see him all of the sudden but none of my questions are being answered so I'm not gonna ask anymore.

The ghost laughed dryly. "You will learn differently as you get older."Nico stared at the flames. "Why can't I at least summon her? I want totalk to her. She would...she would help me." Wait, who are we talking about again? Who's 'she'? Shit, I need to pay more attention.

"I will help you," the ghost promised. "Have I not saved you many times?Did I not lead you through the maze and teach you to use your powers? Doyou want revenge for your sister or not?" Oh! Bianca. we're talking about Bianca, that makes more sense. I frowned at the tone the ghost was speaking in and grabbed Nico's hand, squeezing it reassuringly, but not speaking.

I didn't like the ghost's tone of voice. He reminded me of a bully, the type of bully who used to convince other kids to do stupid things like steallab equipment and vandalize the teachers' cars. The type of bully never got introuble himself, but he got tons of other kids suspended.Nico turned from the fire so the ghost couldn't see him, but I could. A teartraced its way down his face, it made me feel terrible, this poor kid. "Very well. You have a plan?" Nico asks the ghost, still not looking at the ghost.

"Oh, yes," the ghost said, sounding quite pleased. "We have many darkroads to travel. We must start—" Yeah no I'm not listening to this dude. "Alright, you guys do your planning and stuff, I'm gonna go to bed," I tell Nico and let go of his hand, smiling softly as he nods.

I got off the log and patted Nico's head, ruffling his messy hair as I walked over to the sleeping bags. With a small groan of pain, I plopped down, my tailbone landing on a rock, which made me huff as I took it out from under my sleeping bag, and then took off my shoes. I wriggle into my black sleeping bag, then pull my backpack over to use as a pillow, then close my eyes as I get comfortable.


Woo! First chapter done! Lets hope this gets some interaction so I can get people to tell me who to use as (M/n)'s godly parent! anyways, word count - 1111.

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