Flashback #6

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Timpani ran after the angry group of tribesmen as fast as she could, but the fires had spread to the woods. Everyone else was powerful enough to teleport, so there was no stopping them. She lost sight of Blumiere's father long ago. She had no idea what to do besides run home.

By the time she got home, fires were being lit and the ancients she grew up with were screaming. Cloaked figures were fighting with tribesmen, the streets were being flooded with innocent blood, and the air was filled with the cries of frightened children.

She pressed her eyes shut and ran back to the home she grew up in. Somehow, it was still standing. Merlon was in the doorway, a horrified expression in his glowing yellow eyes.

"Timpani?!" he called out, searching desperately for her. "Timpani, where are you?!"

"Merlon!" she cried, running to him and shoving the Light Prognosticus she had stolen from him into his arms. "Merlon, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, this is my fault. Blumi and I, we wanted your dream to come true, but we made a mess and now the war's gotten out of hand and—"

"Child, you need to run," Merlon commanded as he took the book and held it to his chest.

"But Merlon—"

"Run, Timpani," he repeated, his voice harsher than it had ever been before.

The girl held in a sob, then turned and ran as fast as she could.

Merlon let out a short breath, then ran into the center of town, where the most fighting was taking place. The air was warm and the shiny roads reflected the flames which filled the sky. 

"Stop the fighting!" he begged, holding the book up. "We can come to a peaceful understanding! We—"


The blue-cloaked ancient stilled, then slowly turned around.

Standing in front of a line of flames was the executioner. His old friend, holding the Dark Prognosticus.

Merlon briefly looked down at his own book, then brought his gaze to the executioner's deep blue eyes.

"My friend..." Merlon trailed off.

The executioner's breath hitched as he shifted his grip on the Dark Prognosticus, holding it in his left hand. He held his right arm out and made his staff appear, the same staff he used to execute rulebreakers for a living.

"All this..." Blumiere's father breathed, his voice shaking slightly. "All this over two books written centuries ago."

Merlon shook his head as screams continued to echo through the air. The village he had loved so much was dying, the people he worked with were being slaughtered before his very eyes.

The executioner kept his eyes on his old friend. The mustache had gotten longer since he had last seen Merlon, years ago. It used to be gray with hints of blonde, now it was white.

Merlon's gaze softened just slightly as well. How he wished they could have reunited in different circumstances.

A purple-cloaked ancient ran up behind the executioner, holding up a staff covered in thick red liquid. Likely one stolen from a fallen tribesman. There was an angry look in their eyes, like the eyes of a hunter. Beings born of darkness weren't people, not to these ancients. And ancients weren't people to the members of the Tribe of Darkness.

"NO!" Merlon yelled, his golden eyes widening.

He waved his hand, teleporting behind the executioner and holding his arms out.

The world seemed to all fall silent as the sharp tip of the staff pierced into Merlon's chest.

The purple-cloaked ancient's eyes went wide as the executioner turned around, his deep blue skin paling.

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