Bleck (22)

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The next Chaos Heart fragment was taken just after the strange encounter with that girl, Ms. D. It shimmered a deep blue color, like outer space. The Chaos Heart was one step closer to finally being complete.

Bleck was practically beaming with energy as Peach used the return pipe to take the crew back to the top of Flopside Tower. He knew he and the rest of the heroes were making Pierre proud with each heart fragment they found. On top of that, they were getting closer to saving the world from Countess Tippi.

"I'm glad that's over," Prince Mario breathed as he removed the fishbowl from his head. His hair was slightly messy, which looked strange on him since he was a prince and usually had well-maintained hair.

"Aw, quit being so negative," Peach giggled, gently nudging the prince's shoulder. "I saw that smile on your face while you were flying through the stars. You like this adventuring thing, and you know it."

"Yeah, Mario. You like us," King Boo teased, earning a glare from the prince.

"Like is a stretch," Mario breathed, crossing his arms. "And I'm not having fun. It's just... some parts are interesting, I guess. I wouldn't say I like it, though. I just enjoy seeing new places."

"And the crazy robot lady was fun, too," King Boo added. "She had some pizazz. Peach or Daisy could never."

Peach rolled her eyes, her mind going back to Ms. D. The way she spoke, the emotion behind her voice, it all felt so real. Almost familiar... but she couldn't recall ever meeting anyone by that name.

"Alright, where's Pierre?" Bleck asked, floating around. "Usually he can sense when we come back."

"How?" King Boo asked. "I mean, I noticed that he usually will conveniently show up when we arrive, but I thought that was just because he has no life."

"Well, I'm his pixl, so he senses me I think!" Bleck chimed. "It's how he used to always catch me whenever I tried sneaking out a few years ago!"

"You tried sneaking out?" Prince Mario asked.

"I was having a rebellious phase," Bleck shrugged, quietly laughing to himself.

Bleck figured Pierre was either one of three places; in his house reading, in the library reading, or in a cafe... probably reading.

"Let's go check his house!" Bleck chimed, floating forward, when he suddenly slowed down, his colors dimming slightly. "We... should..."

He sounded like a machine running out of battery and powering down. He slowly stopped floating and fell to the ground, going stiff and still.

Peach flinched as he fell, then ran up to him, kneeling and carefully nudging him.

"Bleck? Bleck, what happened?!" she asked as he remained unresponsive.

"Is he dead?!" Mario exclaimed, his eyes wide and his face paling slightly.

Peach shook her head, unsure how to answer as King Boo floated over and gently scooped the pixl up into his arms.

Peach drew back slightly, pale as well. For one of the first times since this journey started, there was real panic in her eyes. A panic that she had never felt before, even when her adventures seemed the most dangerous. Yes, the gash in the sky was scary and not knowing where Daisy could be made her worry, but if Bleck just died, then how could she continue on? She needed him, the world needed him.

"We need to find the ancient guy," King Boo quickly said. "I'll float down. Meet me there."

For once, his sarcastic and joking tone was gone. It wasn't often that he actually cared about people who weren't boos, but Bleck was different. Maybe he wasn't before, but he was now.

Flipped (Super Paper Mario SWAP AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu