Flashback #1

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"Merlon?" a young girl with flowing white hair asked, knocking on the door to a small, humble home located in the center of a small, humble village. She was no older than twelve, her hair decorated with a beautiful blue ribbon.

A man who had been hard at work, sitting at his desk and writing, quickly turned to face her, his golden eyes soft as he smiled. His blue hood cast a shadow over his face, as this was a common practice amongst ancients like himself.

"Timpani," he smiled. "Come in, come in!"

The timid girl slowly stepped inside, hugging one of her arms across her chest. The sky was dark, as it always turned when night fell. She was never a fan of darkness.

"You've been working much more than usual," she breathed. "We don't see you out anymore."

"I know, my child. I know," Merlon sighed. "But I wouldn't be working this much if this wasn't of utmost importance."

"Do you still think it can happen?" Timpani questioned. "Peace, I mean?"

Merlon let out a joyful chuckle as he nodded.

"Why, of course," he smiled. "Light and dark... they're not as opposed as you may think. In the end, they're actually quite similar. Just... different colors. Different shades of the same spectrum. Without light, there can't be darkness. And without darkness, there cannot be light."

He turned away and picked up a feathered quill, continuing to write on a piece of thin paper.

"What's that?" the young girl asked. "Another letter?"

Merlon hummed and nodded, signing it at the bottom.

"Does anyone in the Tribe of Darkness actually respond to your letters?" Timpani asked. "You've been sending them for months, and we've received nothing—"

"Not nothing," Merlon grinned, grasping a darker piece of paper with words written in ink that glowed like moonlight. "I finally got one back!"

"Really?!" Timpani asked, her eyes widening. "From who?! Their town's leader?!"

"No, not yet," Merlon chuckled. "From the executioner!"

"They have an executioner?!" the girl gasped, covering her mouth as she paled in the face.

"We have a hangman," Merlon shrugged.

"Yeah... I guess... but why are you excited to be getting a response from a murderer?!"

"Not a murderer. An executioner. And because we have to start somewhere," Merlon pointed out. "He seems willing to meet. He's obtained permission from his superiors, so I'm writing back to suggest sometime tomorrow when the sun rises. That way, the world is between the night's darkness and the morning's light."

"Okay, but what if he executes you?!" Timpani asked. "We're not supposed to mingle with people from their tribe! It's like, one of our biggest rules."

"And one of their biggest rules, I am aware," Merlon nodded. "But... we've been at war for far too long with no end in sight. We're not so different, we both just wish to protect the world from imbalance. I truly believe that if we unite, we can all become stronger. Is it risky? Yes. But it's worth it. Because, if I succeed, children like you will finally be able to live in a world filled with both light and dark. You won't be forced to stand on one side for the rest of your days."

Timpani nodded. She hated to admit that sounded enticing. But... she didn't want Merlon going and ruining the peace their village already had by reaching for something potentially unachievable. The Tribe of Darkness was dangerous. According to practically everyone else, they under no circumstances could be trusted. On top of that, Merlon was communicating with an executioner of all people. She didn't want her peaceful life to be put in danger. She didn't want to risk losing everything she had just because Merlon wanted more.

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