Paintings and Polished Floors (2)

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Mario clenched and unclenched his fists as a sharp ringing noise pierced through his ears. The world was blurred and his wrists burned. He could feel ropes around them, tied far too tightly. They were cheap and frayed as well, which didn't help with the pain.

"Wh.... where am I?" he muttered while blinking, hoping to make the world clear again. He wasn't a fan of feeling like he was underwater with how fuzzy everything looked and sounded.

There was a sharp laughter that sent chills down his spine, and he straightened his back.

"I know that laugh..." he muttered.

"Boo!" King Boo chimed, suddenly appearing just inches in front of the red-dressed man, causing Mario to let out a shriek. He wanted to scramble back, but he couldn't. His movements were limited by ropes bounding him to a chair less than suited for someone like him.

"King Boo," he hissed, fighting to keep his voice from shaking.

"Prince Mario," King Boo mused, leaning forward so his ghostly cold breath could be felt on the prince's face.

Mario scrunched up his nose slightly in disgust. "I should have known it was you behind this," he spat.

"It always is," King Boo smiled. "Gold star to you, for figuring it out. What a genius you are–"

"Shut up!" the prince hissed. "This is pointless, really. Peach will be here to rescue me any minute now, so–IS THAT MY CROWN?"

"Oh, like it?" King Boo asked, grinning and tilting the new crown he wore atop his head to the side slightly before breaking out in loud, maniacal laughter. "I thought it was rather fitting. A new crown for the new king of the Mushroom Kingdom!"

"Kidnapping me doesn't make you king, it makes you a criminal," Prince Mario stated matter-of-factly as his fear slowly washed away. As terrifying as constantly being kidnapped by the fearsome ghost king was, it happened so often that sometimes it felt more like a chore than anything else.

"Oh, shush, it'll work this time," King Boo grinned. "With you out of the way, it's only a matter of time before all my precious boos make a new home in your little kingdom!"

Prince Mario scoffed at the word "little." If his kingdom was so little, then why was King Boo so desperate to get his ghostly hands on it every other week?

"Whatever. What's the plan this time?" Mario asked. "Got a new portrait to throw me into?"

"Oh, no, no, I'm past that," King Boo teased. "It was a good plan at first, I'll admit, but seeing a portrait of your face every day is far too sinister if you ask me. I wouldn't want to preserve... well, this in a painting."

The ghost kind gestured to Mario's face as the prince narrowed his eyes, which in turn made the ghost king laugh louder.

"Aw, I love this time we spend together, don't you?" King Boo asked, floating behind the prince and leaning over his shoulder.

Mario shook his head. It was the time spent waiting for Peach to save him that he hated most, actually. King Boo never actually did anything whenever he kidnapped the prince of the Mushroom Kingdom. Sometimes, it felt like the ghost king was just doing this to pick fights with Peach. He never actually tried to pull anything seriously dangerous until she showed up. It was like he was asking for attention. Perhaps he didn't get enough love in his childhood.

"You know..." King Boo trailed off.

"No, no, no, NO. No ghost stories," Mario groaned, rolling his eyes.

"Hey–I wasn't going to tell one!" King Boo gasped. "Although... now that you mention it..."

"Please just put me in the stupid portrait," Mario begged, lowering his head.

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