Dragon Slayer (7)

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"Walk away, walk away," Bleck exclaimed as Mimi's head cracked and started spinning. 

Peach found herself frozen in place, unable to even move. How could see after seeing, well, THAT!

Mimi's laughter continued to echo as a number of long, thin legs seemed to pop out of her, lifting her small body into the air. Now, Peach had seen many disturbing things before, but nothing half as disturbing as this. Even King Boo's ghost stories couldn't equate to something so horrific.

"Peach, RUN!" Bleck begged.

The urgency in his voice seemed to snap her back into reality. The heroine nodded, then turned and started running as fast as she could. Peach could hear what sounded to be the turning of gears close behind her, as well as an insanely eerie laughter.

"You said you can tattle, right?! Give me a read on her!" Peach gasped, out of breath not from the running but from the pure fear running through her veins. It wasn't often she felt this terrified.

"Um..." Bleck muttered, briefly turning and glancing at the terrifying girl. "We can't really hurt her. It won't work. She's too high up to jump on right now, and she'll just hit us first. The only chance is to escape."

"Ugh, I hate just running from fights," Peach huffed under her breath. By leaving Mimi undefeated, she was essentially pushing back the battle for another day. Peach knew better than anyone else that villains always come back until they're officially taken care of. It's one of the reasons King Boo was so annoying. He was a ghost, so he couldn't be defeated. Not for good, anyway.

"Maybe we should use the return pipe! Or call Pierre!" Bleck suggested.

"Dude, we can't just call Pierre the second things get rough," Peach breathed.

"What do you mean?! I thought that's exactly what we were supposed to do!" Bleck cried. "It's what he's always told me to do."

"No, I can handle this," Peach said, pulling out her backpack and taking out a metal water bottle. She held it up, then threw it back at Mimi, hitting her right in the chest and causing her to fall back.

"Our water!" Bleck gasped.

"Our window to attack," Peach grinned, stopping in her tracks and turning around. She sprinted towards Mimi as fast as she could, then jumped into the air, kicking the stunned villain back with as much force as she could possibly muster.

The green girl hissed as Peach took the water bottle back, then opened it and started pouring water onto Mimi's now distorted face. Makeup dripped and left black watery marks as Peach stepped back and tossed the empty bottle aside.

"Darn, I was hoping she'd melt," Peach breathed.

"MELT?!" Mimi gasped, offended. She was about to sit up and keep fighting when Peach pressed her foot to the girl's chest, pinning her down.

"Shh... stay down," Peach breathed, lowering her voice just slightly.

"Why? So you can kill me? How heroic," Mimi spat.

"I'm not going to kill you," Peach stated calmly. "I'm going to remove my foot, then you're going to go back home to your countess and tell her that I'm on my way to stop her and rescue my friends. Got it?"

Mimi remained still for a moment, then slowly tilted her head until it returned to its normal position. She retracted the new spider-like legs as well, though her makeup remained smudged and ruined.

"Or else what, pretty girl?" Mimi hissed.

"There is no or else. This is what you're going to do," Peach stated, slowly stepping back and brushing her arms off. "Good day."

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