Pet Pixl (5)

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There was no way of telling how long it had been. She had drifted off at one point, though she couldn't tell she had fallen asleep until she was awoken by a soft voice looming over her.

"Hey, Peach. Can you hear me?" a young man's voice seemed to say. She didn't recognize the tone, though he sounded slightly wistful and light, like he was almost whispering.

His voice was gentle. It almost made her want to fall back into that dark, cold void of sleepiness... 

After the overwhelming amount of light, she could use some time in the dark... she hadn't noticed how smooth and cold the marble flooring of the wedding altar was, probably because she was busy focusing on being forced to get married to Prince Mario.

That didn't count as an actual wedding, right?

No, it couldn't have. It was all wrong. She didn't get to propose, choose a dress, or be a part of the wedding planning. She didn't want it, so it didn't count. Weddings were supposed to be happy, not forced.

"Peach?" the voice repeated. "I hate to sound pushy, but it's time to wake up... we're all waiting for you."

We? Who was we?

Peach shifted slightly, then allowed her eyes to slowly flutter open. The sky was just as bright as she remembered. She wished she could just close her eyes again and allow the darkness to comfort her, but whoever was talking to her was right. It was time to fix whatever mess had been made.

After a few seconds of adjustment, a small floating creature came into focus. It was fluttering above her, looking down at her like a puppy waiting for its owner to wake in the morning. She didn't recognize it, though. Was it the thing talking to her? How did it know her name?

It looked strange, too. Its head looked like a white tophat with a monocle situated on it. Its body almost resembled a cloak, but much more two-dimensional. It stared down at her with wide eyes (or eye. It seemed a little monocle completely covered one eye.)

"You're awake!" it chimed, though it had no mouth. His(?) voice echoed slightly and his body glowed as he spoke. He was primarily made up of white and blue colors with a hint of red.

"What the..." Peach muttered under her breath, unsure what it was she was looking at. Was he some kind of fairy? A machine, perhaps?

She felt her stomach drop slightly. Had she been drugged in her sleep? Was she seeing and hearing things now?

"Quickly, this way!" he chimed. "We haven't a moment to lose."

Peach, used to hearing that phrase, immediately stood herself up and brushed herself off. She was never one to sit and waste time. Sometimes, adventures required her to act first and demand answers later. Besides, she could tell he at least knew a little bit about what was going on. Maybe he wasn't trustworthy enough for her to let her guard down completely, but he seemed somewhat genuine when he spoke. She'd have to find out if she was drugged later. 

"Cool beans, this way!" he chimed. "I'll get us to my home!"

"To huh?" Peach asked when the wind picked up around her. She held her hands up in front of her face and pressed her eyes shut as the air around her seemed to shift.

"Open your eyes," he smiled, his voice kind. It was a different kind of kindness as opposed to Countess Tippi's. His kindness seemed far more genuine. It wasn't being used to mask something far more sinister.

Peach slowly opened her eyes, then gasped at the sight before her. They were atop a tall tower, high up in the sky. She slowly walked to the edge, looking down upon the world she had been transported to. The streets were fairly gray and dark, but the people were colorful and lively. She could smell the sweet scent of baked bread and brewed coffee. It was different from the overwhelming floral scent she came from.

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