Umbrella (10)

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The deep gray clouds continued to draw closer and closer as Prince Luigi waited patiently, pressing his hands to the cool glass window, which had been neatly polished just moments ago.

"Um, sire?" a toadette questioned as his eyes remained on the dark clouds. "Are you alright?"

"Hmm? Oh, yes, yes," Prince Luigi quickly exclaimed, though he didn't move. "Um.. actually... do you know what the weather forecast for tonight is?"

"Rain showers tonight with thunder in one hour," she answered. "Why?"

"It's going to rain," he muttered to himself. His eyes lit up slightly.

"Yes, it typically does in the spring. Haven't you heard the phrase?"

"April showers bring May flowers, yes," Luigi nodded, though he never loved that saying. Sure, it was true for the Mushroom Kingdom, but it never applied to Sarasaland. Sometimes, Prince Mario would have to send excess water over just to help Prince Luigi handle the droughts that Sarasaland faced so often.

"Right, well since the rain is coming, we've set aside some rain gear for you, that way you can still make your appearances," the toadette breathed. "You'll find it in your room. You won't need it until later, though, so just leave it be."

"In my room, got it," Luigi beamed, quickly turning and practically sprinting back to his room. To his surprise, the room looked even cleaner than it had a few hours ago. Luigi had been at the Mushroom Kingdom for almost twenty-four hours now, so he was still adjusting to all the extra help. He made his bed, but it seemed it had been remade since he last left. At the foot of it was a regal green rainjacket and thick rubber boots, but what caught his attention was the umbrella.

He walked over to it and grasped the handle, holding it up and opening it. The forest green felt like a splash of color against the gray sky as he held it up to his closed window. The showers hadn't started yet, but they were coming soon. The umbrella was small. It seemed humble, he supposed. It was fair to say that Mario had a far grander one, but this one suited him. This was Luigi's umbrella. He could tell it was made for him. Mario usually had things set aside and made for him just in case something happened on Prince Luigi's occasional visits. 

It was the companion that would soon escort him outside, sheltering his head as drops of pure, clean water fell from the sky, bringing the world beneath him to life. He could practically hear the raindrops pattering against it like small drums, creating their own song, the song of life. It would cover him, sheltering him from storms when he needed it to, but it wouldn't forcefully keep him sheltered at all times. He'd be in control, he'd have the power to open and close it.

His umbrella.

He slowly closed it once again, though he didn't let go. He had a habit of losing things, and this was something he didn't want to go missing. This umbrella, this was his friend. His companion. His umbrella.

Maybe he was being over the top about such a simple item. Sometimes it felt nice to get so excited about such small things. He used to feel the same way on Christmas mornings when he and Prince Mario were just small children, back when their two worlds were so intertwined that it seemed they'd never be apart.

Now, Mario was gone, but he had his umbrella. His—

"Hello Luigi," a deep, gravelly voice stated. 

An intense heat filled the room as Luigi remained frozen in place, grasping his umbrella tightly. He wanted to whirl around and see who it was, but if he did, his crown would likely fall off, and that would be embarrassing.

"You're not a toadette," Prince Luigi whispered. 

There was a firm, claw-like grip on the prince's shoulder, then a loud crashing noise outside, like what he assumed lightning might sound like, but less crackly and more boom-like. The world went dark.

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