Chapter 9.

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Jungkook's Pov,

I could feel my hands tightening around the steering wheel when I thought of the way Felix was staring at my baby although it was not a bad one, I still didn't like it.

If not because he was my friend and one of the most trustworthy people around me, I would have put a bullet through his head for staring at my baby.

I turned my head to the side, and I saw my baby and I could see amazement and puzzlement on his face, as if he noticed my stare, he turned to look at me and I just smiled at him, and he returned the smile turning my attention back to the road.

''baby what's wrong?'' and I immediately head his reply ''w-why i-is t-the c-car s-so s-small?'' I was shocked when he asked but I did the only thing that came to my mind ''pfftt--''.

Turing sideways to look at him who is already looking at me with puzzled and confused eyes looking very cute making me coo ''w-why d-did y-you l-laugh?''

''it's nothing baby it was just unexpected, don't you like the car if no---'' I was interrupted by him ''N-No i-it's o-okay, t-the c-car i-is v-very b-beautiful i-i w-was j-just w-wandering w-why t-the c-car w-was s-small.''

I softly smiled at him before turning my head back to the road and using my free hand to caress his head. ''baby you may want to sleep for now because the mansion is very far so you can just rest okay.''

I smiled when I heard him yawn and reply ''o-okay'' with that I heard steady breathing and turning to look at him I saw a peaceful and beautiful smile making me smile more.

Unknown Pov,

With the sun shining out brightly on the resort the handsome man who was busy rubbing sunscreen on his wife's body was happily humming when he felt his wife's soft body all of a sudden, he heard his wife muffled voice as she rests on the chair ''I...

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With the sun shining out brightly on the resort the handsome man who was busy rubbing sunscreen on his wife's body was happily humming when he felt his wife's soft body all of a sudden, he heard his wife muffled voice as she rests on the chair ''I miss my kookie''

''we all miss our bunny darling, and you know he is doing whatever he can to protect us that was why he sent us her besides in a week you will be able to see him and '' said the man. the woman was sad because she misses her baby son so much then she whispered but her husband heard it ''sometimes I wish we were not involved in the mafia so we could be able to have more family time with each other''

With that the opened space was set to a comfortable silence as they both know that that wish can never be fulfilled then

All of a sudden, she moved from her lying position to a sitting one as she stared up at her husband with love filled eyes smiling and said ''Jeon Hyun Shik, I love you.''

Jeon Hyun Shik picking up his wife's hand that had her wedding ring and kissing it before saying in a tender tone ''I love you too Jeon Hye Kyo, my one and only queen'' making his wife blush and shy making him laugh out.

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