3/4 (18+)

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TW: rape 

somi's pov:

Days past. School is alright I guess. I know my damn brother has a small crush on y/n. I mean who wouldn't? To be far, I am fucking depressed. To make it worse, everyone is always bugging in my ear; saying how pretty I am, saying how I shouldn't have quit being an idol, saying how come my grades are so bad. SHUT UP. FUCKING SHUT UP. I DON'T CARE AT THIS POINT ANYMORE. 

" Bye Somi, stay safe," says y/n, hugging me and I hug her back, and then she leaves with the group. I decide to go to a bar because why not? I go home and get ready, bringing my phone and a handbag.

Nice. Hot. Maybe I'll find myself a guy better than Owen there. Maybe. Who knows? I head out of my apartment, and walk to the bar. As I head in, all I hear is my music blasting in my airpods, because I just want to block out everyone. 

Inside the bar, it's amazing. Lights fill the room, shining the light everywhere, with people drinking glasses of beer and wine. There's some strippers on show, grinding on metal poles for money from the drunkies. I see everyone's eyes on me. Perfect.

Strutting over to the drink counter, I order a glass of red wine. Collecting my wine, I sit at a nearby table and soon a guy in his twenties come over to me. 

I see him sit next to me and smirk a bit playfully.

" How are you?" he asks, placing his drink on the table.

" I'm good," I say, biting the inside of my lip. He's so fine. But looks so bad.

* 18+ scene *

" What's your name princess?" he says, leaning over to me and touching my thighs.

I flinch at the touch. " Um, I'm Somi," I say, taking a sip of my drink.

" Oh I know you, remember me? I'm Theo, we used to train together," 

THEO? THEO HEMSWORTH?! Him the guy who always broke the rules during trainee days. Theo was one bad egg. At the age of 15, he started drinking, smoking and vaping on a regular basis. Rumours had it that he raped multiple girls in the trainee place, and he tortured them with his friends till they fainted and died. And the rumours are true. Horribly true. Because he did it to me. I didn't die obviously, but it took me days to recover. Then one of his so called girlfriends told on him, and he had to quit being a trainee and I heard he stayed in a detention centre for a year or something. 

" Oh, I remember, "

" Come, let's drink together," he says, finishing his glass, and pouring another.

I hesitantly drown my glass, and another, and another. My vision starts getting a bit blurry, and all I can see is Theo coming closer to me and leaning in towards me.

" Mmm," I moan, as he places his lips inside me, causing me to feel giddy and dizzy. Dizzy. Dizzy. I feel like I can't feel myself anymore. 

" Good girl," he says, as he takes my phone? I think and picks up a call from someone. I can't even see, my legs are so weak I feel I'm about to faint and fucking throw up.

I manage to grasp a few words of Theo and someone talking on the phone.

" Get your sister, she's about to fucking die," 

" What have you done to her, you little shithead?"

" She's gonna be all mine, I'll send you the address to come get her for her deathbed,"

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