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In the stillness of the night, a star does gleam,
A beacon of light in the vast cosmic stream.
It whispers secrets in the language of dreams,
A silent guide through life's twisting schemes.

But what is this star, amidst the celestial throng?
A jewel of the heavens, where galaxies belong,
A timeless witness to the universe's song,
A reminder that we, too, forever belong.

And what of me, in this grand design?
A fleeting moment, a breath of time,
A wanderer seeking truths divine,
A soul intertwined with the cosmic sign.

The star and I, intertwined in fate's dance,
Bound by the echoes of creation's expanse.
Both born from dust, both given a chance,
To shine with purpose, in life's eternal trance.

So let us gaze upon the star above,
And feel the stirrings of cosmic love.
For in its light, we find reflections of,
The beauty within, the endless treasure trove.

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