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A person with a lot of talents,
But still with a humble heart.

A person who knows how to hide his feelings,
Better than anyone.

He is popular,
But still down to earth.

He is busy,
But the one who thinks for everybody.

He is the best son
He is the best man.

A man who is there in my needs.
A man who is there to tell me my wrong deeds.

A man who is sad when I am sad.
A man who is the happiest when I am happy.

A person who annoys me the most,
But he is the one who makes me laugh the most.

Sometimes he does make me cry,
But he is the one who knows how to make those tears fly.

Sometimes I am jealous of him,
Because he is the favorite one.

Sometimes I think why I am not like him
But now I know it's because he is the only one.

Sometimes I do think why is he here,
But I know that I can't even manage to do the simplest thing without him.

If he was not there,
I don't know how I would have lived.

I am proud to call him my brother,
Because he is the bestest brother.


*Poet's Note

Hey guys,

I don't think I need to say something.
I am just conveying my love for my brother.

He doesn't know that I wrote this and maybe he doesn't even know how much I love him.

But the day he will get to know about it, I know that he will be happy because I am happy by writing this.

For me, my brother is my biggest achievement. An achievement for which I did nothing.

If you have any siblings doesn't matter brother or sister, younger or older, just tell them how much you love them. Because I know what not being able to tell about how much I love my brother feels.

Love Your Siblings

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