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We met

She was a doctor from the future

He was a captain in the past

She healed the wounds with her skill

He fought for the land with his will

She saw my soul beyond the war

He showed me his heart beyond the scar

She made me smile with her charm

He made me laugh holding me in his arm

We fell in love in the midst of chaos

We fell in love in the midst of loss

She was my light in the dark

He was my fire in cold

She was my hope in despair

He was my courage in fear

She was my joy in sorrow

He was my peace in turmoil

She was my life in death

He was my breath in the air

She was my everything

He was my everything

But a war came and tore us apart

I had to leave her behind

He had to leave me for his land

To face the enemy with courage

To face the enemy with rage

I never saw her again

I never saw him again

I missed her every day and night

I missed him every day and night

I died on the battlefield with honor

I died in my present with sorrow

With her name on my lips as a prayer

With his name on my lips as a whisper

We were star-crossed lovers in time
But we will meet again in another world
In another life where we can be together
In another time where we can be happy


A poem request by Namjoonaahhh
Thank you so much for giving me an opportunity to write a poem for your story, dear.

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