Beyond Goodbye

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In whispers of time, we've shared our days,
Through laughter and tears, in so many ways.
But now I sense shadows, a bittersweet tune,
A reminder that life's cycles will end all too soon.

Though the road ahead may be dimly lit,
Know that your strength will never quit.
For even if clouds cast a somber view,
I believe in your courage to see it all through.

In moments of darkness, when you feel alone,
Remember the love and the seeds we have sown.
Embrace every memory, let them be your guide,
In the tapestry of life, forever they'll reside.

Should the stars ever call me to distant skies,
Know that my spirit in you never dies.
You're stronger than you think, my dear,
Face each new dawn without doubt or fear.

Life's journey is unpredictable, true,
But the strength within you will help you renew.
So, let these words echo, a steadfast song,
You've got this, my dear, even when I'm gone.


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