Two Battles Continue

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General Gregor was panicking, which was unusual for the normally stoic officer, but this? This was something to be concerned about. The reports made it clear: The enemy is tearing holes in reality itself to close the distance between them and us.

Using artillery was risky, considering the lines are being overrun by the enemy, and any usage would- No, it will cause friendly fire. Which is something Gregor didn't want on his hands, for he was an efficient leader! Not a butcher...

"Sound a retreat, pull all our men on the furthest lines back. Then begin bombardment." There was a shuffle then speaking, as the radio operator got to work transmitting his orders. Here's to hoping.


Lugerstein felt a tug on his tunic's sleeve, looking over his green eyes met brown, and a very stressed-looking face. "Orders are to pull back, sir! General Gregor's orders!" Lugerstein blinked, occasionally looking back towards the fighting, sending more lead downrange.

"Where?! Where do we retreat too?" He barked, grabbing the young Privates collar, bringing him closer so they can better hear each other. "Further up the hill, sir! We're too regroup at the top of the hill!" Stammered the private, sweat flowing down his head, soaking his hair and uniform.

"Alright..." Lugerstein pulled back, letting Mr. Stress go. He barked at the men how could hear him, "Retreat! Retreat to the top of the hill! Move back to the top of the hil-" Suddenly, an enemy jumped into the trench and plunged his sword into one of the men, gritting his teeth.

Lugerstein acted quickly, delivering a couple bullets into the attacker, spinning his head to check for anymore bastards that managed to get past the gunfire. "Retreat!" He yelled again, moving down the trench line, repeating his orders.

He aimed his rifle once again, firing more shots into the approaching enemy. He sees them slowly popping up over the horizon, moving as quick as they can. He fired a shot, nailing an enemy in the hip, knocking him over.

"Come on... just end..." Lugerstein whispered, crawling out of the trench and making another run towards the next line, slowly getting back towards the top of the hill.


The conversation between Pina and Lord Colt was masked by a thin veil of calmness, as both sides talked, with Colt trying to explain his reasoning for why enemy soldiers were inside his city. Pina, on the other hand, was quickly losing her composure.

"Lord Colt, you know of the consequences for betraying the Empir-" "I know very well of the reaction my actions will garner. But I've spent many hours speaking to these so-called barbarians, and I've made my choice."

Pina felt the air leave her mouth, awestruck by how blunt Colt was about his betrayal and decision to ally with the enemy. She shook her head, suppressing her emotions less than they make her lose her composure.

"Lord Colt, I beseech you to reconsider your decision. What benefits are you seeking to acquire from these occupiers? What have they offered you that is so grand, it convinced you to betray the Empire?" At this point, Pina was becoming angrier, and equally suspicious of Italica's Lord.

Was he doing this for his own reasons? Or are all these enemy soldiers inside the city present meant to convince Colt to switch sides? Was he... being forced to do this?

Pina's eyes couldn't help but drift towards the enemy officer present in the room. A tall, fearful-looking woman in a dark uniform, with a face as unmoving and cold as solid iron.

Her eyes were locked onto Pina and her knights, analyzing them, watching them constantly. Pina could just tell that this woman, she was responsible for turning Lord Colt into a renegade.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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