The Battle of Nuremberg pt.2

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Before the squad, lies a pile of dead Romans. Now, such a thing wouldn't be a big concern, body piles were becoming unnervingly common now.

But how they died was the concern, they were not killed by guns, but with swords and arrows. "Who the hell killed these guys?" said Gunther, trying to find some sense to what he is seeing. So, unless some kind of Olympic archer or fencer was running around, conducting guerilla style attacks on the invaders, or... the Mongols have returned. Gunther made sure to tell that one.

"I think someone else is here..." Lindemann suggested, and nobody countered him, the evidence was too strong to dispute his claim. Besides, who in Germany owns a bow? Only native Vesperians and the Tartar's living in the Crimea still use bows.

"So... were dealing with another force now?" Oskar said. "Probably. But it looks like they don't like Caesar." Lindemann responded.

Kristof was getting tired of this, they were on their way to the industrial sector of the city, he believed that people would have taken refuge within the factories and sky towers as they're all fitted with electronic locks attached to heavy metal doors, that kind of security would be good for survival.

They had already found tons of people hiding in their subways and their homes, at least the few who hadn't been found in those places. So, they were heading there, this was already over by this point.

It was the 16th, and almost all resistance had melted away. The Romans that are still alive are going down fighting, mainly through hiding in the dark like rats and only attacking when their backs are turned.

For a people who beat their own to death for showing cowardice in battle, they fight like a bully, running away if they can't win a fight.

"Alright! We got to move on, there's probably some civilians inside the industrial sector." Kristof barked, eager to get the hell away from the pile.

The group nodded; they were wasting time, here lives were still at stake.


The industrial district was a carbon copy of every manufacturing sector within all major cities across Europa, at least... the civilized parts of it.

An endless sprawl of towering factories shaped like metal boxes, warehouses, elevated and suspended railways, and the crown jewels, tons of smoke being ejected from cloud-reaching smokestacks. Ah... society.

Regardless, there was possibly civilians were here. Access to this region of the city had been cut off to the army for a while, as the invaders made getting here a pain.

"Hey, I've got something!" Gunther hollered. When they walked over to him, they could see what he was alerting them to, blood trail.

It was cut off in a few sections, but it led to somewhere, possibly where some people are. Granted, it might be a trap, the invaders do enjoy using bodies and objects as lures to get them into stabbing range.

"Might be worth it. If not, we can handle it." Oskar said, confident in his words. "Might be a trap, remember the doll, anyone?" Karmitz said, making everyone shiver at the reminder of that past engagement.

"There's still a chance!" Oskar insisted. "Eh, if it's not, we can handle it." Kristof ordered the advance, and they all marched.

The trail led them to a factory, the large front door was already open, nothing but darkness covered the entrance. The team kept their guns aimed at the door, Kristof waved his hand forward in a hatchet form, ordering them to advance.

Lindemann pushed the door further open, letting it slide open as backed up and shouldered his rifle. Kristof stood behind Lindemann, and with a pat on the back, Lindemann moved inside with Kristof right behind him.

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