Internal Issues

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Molt can feel a headache coming on...and there's nothing short of divine intervention that's going to stop it from arriving. All he can hear is Zorzal's continuous blabbering, it's been going on for hours.

All the emperor of Sadera, the most powerful mortal on the planet can do... is listen, and hate. Zorzal's been rallying support for more invasions of the other world within the senate, and he's winning.

Every time he ends, the chambers erupt in applause and cheers, all the war-hawks and slave drivers within the senatorial ranks are loving the heir right now. He's playing into their desires for more, the need for the Empire to go fourth and civilize the savages who exist way out there somewhere within the endless number of worlds.

It's been nothing but Zorzal going on and on about the boundless riches of the other world that are lying and waiting for them. It's nauseating, but Molt doesn't disagree. He knows that the riches of another world cannot be ignored, and it's their right to use the blessings of the Gods to enrich themselves with more gold and power.

Even if Molt cannot bear his son's war-hawking, he would be doing the same thing if he wasn't doing it first, but Molt is nothing like his son, just like he isn't anything like him...

Zorzal has wasted so many lives on that little escapade involving the Bunny Warriors, an act of war Molt never agreed upon. And that boy had wasted even more soldiers invading the other world, so much spent is so little time with a miniscule reward for all that death.

A prince from the other world and a measly number of slaves... that's just how the two differ in their ways of handling situations. Molt would have never invaded the Bunny Warriors; they were just a bunch of savages that kept to themselves and did nothing to disturb the peace.

That whole war was pointless, spending too much on so little. On the other side, however, he would have gathered a much larger force, an army primed and ready for war, backed up by auxiliaries and reserve forces, led by the most skilled Generals the Empire has at its disposal. Not a battered and worn army that had just endured one war and were now being ordered to go through another one.

He was going to tear into this fool for what his shortsightedness had caused.

Meanwhile in Pina's mansion...

Pina was trying to relax, the warm water of her bathtub was almost capable of ridding her mind of the stressful realities of being a princess, but it was no use. Her trusted companion, Hamilton Uno Ror was reading off to her a list of today's duties.

"You have a meeting with Lord Tallius in a few hours. Oh! You also have a-" as Hamilton continued with Pina's long list of responsibilities of the day, she can hear her words become distorted and distant as she let the warmth and comfort of the bath overtake her.

She let out a sigh as she slid a little deeper in, trying to get her mind into a peaceful state, a place where she cannot be bothered fulfilling whatever mundane roles she has to play.

Pina then felt a hand touch her shoulder and she jumped up a little, being ripped out of the peaceful little hole she made in her mind. Hamilton was the one who brought Pina back into reality, who also jumped a little to her mistress's reaction along with the servant girls present in the room.

"Um... s-sorry Hamilton I-I just..." Pina tried to apologize, "It's okay, I'm sorry for startling you. My fault really." The girl gave the princess a reassuring smile, calming her with kindness.

"Anyways, so you have-" Pina raised a hand, "I'll take a look at the list later, Hamilton. Thank you. You may take your leave." Hamilton nods in understanding, leaves the list on a nearby table and leaves the room. Pina soon exits the tub, her servants immediately wrapping her in soft rags, drying and dressing her.

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