The Battle For Nuremberg (Rewritten)

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The Centurion marches further down the road, his men in a tight formation, staying close as the cramped corners and spaces making individual combat difficult. So, in his mind, remaining in a formation they'll be able to combat any hostile forces better.

But they haven't encountered any real resistance, only civilians and those weird blue coated mages with their tiny steel wands. Capable of killing Soldiers at a distance, and like any coward they made sure to kill them slow. A fitting end to a cowardly warrior.

Then, there was a strange sound, a whooshing sound echoed through the air, followed by thumping and a weird screeching sound. His men huddle closer together, thinking that their shield wall would protect them.

Then, they saw it. A large four-legged monster with a small head with a snub snout appeared on the other end of the road, it was followed by the Soldiers of this land.

The Centurion, peeking out of a hole in the shield wall, didn't know what to do against whatever that beast was. Not like it matters, as its head turned to them and its snout erupted in flame. The Shield wall, along with the Centurion turned into red mist as their limbs and bodies flew.


It was a rough fight, a battle that went at a snail's pace because of how slow the German armies advance was. The enemy had resorted to ambush tactics, hiding around corners and in buildings, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Because of this, they had to check every house and building to make sure there's no one hiding. They managed to use their paranoia of getting flanked to their advantage. Most of the fighting was at close range, as that's the only way they're effective. Charging at the Germans when a hair's length away from them.

Across the bridge, the invaders have taken up defensive positions, blocking off the bridge with whatever they could find. An archer fired his bow from a window, the arrow bounced off an Automats hull.

Kristof and his men were ducking behind some improvised cover made up from wood and bricks. They had only just managed to get this deep into Nuremberg, these medieval bastards weren't making it easy with their cat and mouse tactics.

But it makes sense. If you're dealing with an enemy that has literal spider tanks and all you have is a sword, it would be the best option to fight from the shadows. "I hate this..." Gunther grumbled.

"Why don't we just let the Automats do their thing?" He asked.

"Because command isn't going to start throwing explosive shells like a machine gunner! These are people's homes, Gunther." Kristof argued, and he was right. Artillery and Airships were only used on large clusters of enemies, and if they were inside a building or close to one, they send the foot soldiers in.

"Yeah, I don't wanna get harassed by civilians because of those gunners!" Oskar said while in the prone position.

They were opening on the invaders with small arms, it still did damage, but not a lot. There's only so many rifles and machine guns can do on an entrenched enemy. The cracks of rifles, the quick bursts from MG's all impacted the windows and pockets in the enemy line, occasionally hitting someone.

If they kept this up, they could manage to get engineers close to the barricade and send it sky high. Then, the Automat's turret lowered its cannon, aiming it right at the barricade. "Wait... what are you doin-" He was cut off by the boom of a cannon.

An explosive shell flew and impacted the barricade, ripping it apart and setting it aflame. Screams and yells of terror can be heard from the other side. "What the hell?!" Kristof stomped over to the Automat, climbed onto the hull via a ladder, and racked on the top hatch.

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