The Princes

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Kristof immediately sprung to his feet, slamming his hand into his helmet to salute, "Your Majesty, I'm sorry of my bras-" "It's fine." Said Sigmund, shutting Kristof's apology down as quick as it came.

The others had saluted their prince, waiting for what he had to say, or for them to start the next conversation. "So, has the city been reclaimed?" Sigmund asked.

"At this point, yes." Kristof answered, "Though, there are still a few pockets left." Sigmund looked relieved at this information, Lord only knows what he has been through, since he had been stuck in the city for almost a week.

"Then I say, we get the hell out, I've grown tired of this city. Pardon my breaking of formalities." He said with a smile, accompanied by the squad taking a quick laugh at seeing their prince speak so brash.

"You've been here since the attack started?" Gunther asked "Oh, yes... very much so." Sigmund said, letting out a quiet laugh that sounded like air as he spoke.

"Um... what about them?" Oskar said, motioning to Sigmund's... unique companions. Oh yeah, the women who had bunny ears on top her head and was dressed like an Aztec, who was currently drilling a hole into Kristof by how hard she was staring.

If looks could kill. They probably could.

"Oh... yeah. Gentlemen, let me introduce you all to the Bunny Warriors!" He said putting a hand around the Brown haired one's shoulder, that was immediate removed with an elbow jab to his rib.

Just as he said that more of them came out of the darkness, all similarly dressed like the one next to Sigmund, and all armed. There was a brief rise in hostility, as Kristof's squad all raised their weapons at the sudden appearance of the people who were making body piles.

"Mitescere! Eorum pro nobis." said the Women standing next to Sigmund. At her order, her people lowered their weapons, and Kristof's men followed their gesture.

"You're the ones stacking Roman bodies?" Gunther asked, Sigmund translated the question to his friend, she responded, and Sigmund spoke for her, "Yes, that was their doing."

"Great..." Gunther said, slowly backing away from the woman in front of him.

"Look, that doesn't matter. My lord, we should get you out of here." Kristof said, extending a hand to Sigmund. The prince just looked at him with an odd look, like he was confused by Kristof's request.

"I'm not leaving." He bluntly said. The Germans just looked at him like he had just lost his mind. "W-what? Is he crazy?" Oskar whispered, "Why? Prince Sigmund, your survival is important to the people of the Empire, including your broth-" "That's why I'm staying."

Before Kristof could ask, Sigmund spoke for him, "Prince Heinrich was kidnapped when the attack started. I'm sure he's being held somewhere within the city."

"Huh, that's a pretty good reason to stay in this butcher shop." Gunther calmly said, shifting his weight back and forth.

"My lord, if Prince Heinrich was still present within the city, I'm sure he would have been found by now. It has been a while since we've gotten word from General Gregor." Kristof said, hoping his reason for him to leave would get through to him.

His face held an expression that just oozed uncertainty. Like he had a feeling that Kristof was lying to him. "Still, the importance of your survival cannot be stressed. You came here to inspire and calm the people, if you died... only the almighty will know what happens next."

This seemed to get through to the stubborn prince, he looked down at the floor as if he was deep in thought. He gritted his teeth as he closed his eyes, "Ugh...! Fine, we'll leave. But my brother will be found." He said in a quiet and threating tone.

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