Welcome Home

421 16 1

"Move! Move!" Kristof yelled at a group of soldiers who were running over to him, keeping their heads down. Arrows raining down on them, one man gets hit in the neck, bringing him down to his face. He never knew that man...

The group of soldiers slam into the wall, archers above them peeking over the spiked wall of their battlements, Kristof sprays his AR at them, making the wood splinter and break apart.

A body falls over the wall and splats in front of the group. "Alright, Oskar! Get a charge on this wall!" He pointed a finger to his combat engineer, the boy nods and places a tube-shaped explosive on the wall, fiddling with it for a few seconds before he steps away, "Were good!"

"Run, run back, now!" Immediately the men began to run, hustling back towards running back towards the trees. As their running back, Kristof is suddenly thrown, his feet lose contact with the ground, pushed forward by a sudden force that sent him flying face first into the ground.

His back feels hot, he can smell smoke. He pushes himself back up, the world is spinning around him, and he can hear voices, distorted and warped voices yelling something, probably for him.

Gunther pulls Kristof back onto his feet, "No rest for the wicked, Braun!" he said while laughing, yanking him to his feet. The feeling really didn't make his haziness any better, he can feel a headache coming.

"Sergeant, you, okay?" Karmitz suddenly appeared, a nervous look in his eyes as he tried to get an analysis of his leader. Kristof slowly nods, still feeling lightheaded from the explosion. He waved Karmitz off, "Find someone who needs you more than me!" He nods, running off to find some in need of help.

Kristof heard something go over his, this useable figure.... figures... jumped over him and the men rushing into the fortress.

Delilah and the bunny warriors jumped over the German forces, making a mad dash into the fort. "Juno, Take Squad 3 to the houses! Aurora, Take squad 2 to the gardens! Squad 1, on me!" Her squad leaders nodded, quickly checking their weapons and running off to their objectives.

Delilah and her comrades rushed off to where she knew the Saderan Commander would be, the thought of taking the life another high-ranking monster delighted her. It must've been a weird sight, seeing these bunny warriors, decked out in their traditional battle armor, equipped with advanced weapons. They kept their swords, just in case.

Delilah slid under a Saderans sword, grabbing his leg and pulling him onto the ground and swung her sword downwards and decapitated him. Swinging her SMG around she opened fired on a group of Saderans, dropping all of them.

All over, explosions and gunfire can be heard. Germans and Bunny Warrior's fighting side-by-side, slowly pushing the Saderan defenders towards destruction. But she didn't wait, she wanted some more blood. She wanted even more of these bastards to die, for her fallen sisters.

Pressing forward, her team was at her back. Delilah got ever closer to the enemy command post, ripping through whatever defense these morons though would stop something as superior as her.

Jumping over a shield wall, she rolled and landed on her knee and held down the trigger, ripping apart the men behind the shields. She heard a scream, quickly pulling her sword out, parried the strike, and lunged forward, and slashed the soldier's throat.

Even more soldiers appeared, they were taken out by Delilah's comrades. One got his head sliced off, one was kicked in the gut and had his throat slashed, and another was shot apart.

Delilah smiled as her sisters did their grime business, the monster that was her bloodlust was getting its fill today. She continued towards her goal, stabbing another Saderan and slicing another's leg off, more and more bodies piled up as she got ever closer.

Finally, she was here. She had practically walked here, dispatching whatever meager resistance that got in her way with the upmost prejudice. And she had that in spades. She kicked the door wide open, inside she found a group of Saderan Officers crowding around a table with a map laid on it. She smiled; this was such a good find.

"Well then... this is going to be good..." She smiled like a psycho as she raised her SMG, a wrathful fire in her eyes as she does. "W-wait! We can negotia-" Their negotiations were cut short.

After a few minutes, Delilah exited the longhouse, the former residence of Queen Tyuule. As she looked around at all the destruction from her elevated location, she looked over the remains of her home... the Bunny Warrior city, or at least the closet thing her people can call a city.

Welcome Home, Delilah... hope you enjoyed your welcoming gift of kill count extenders!

Hey, sorry about the long wait and for such a mediocre chapter. I might come back at a later date and add more to this, so... keep an eye out for that.

Love, Smedley.

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