Two Battles

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Observing from the command center, Gregor can see the enemy army amassing their forces for an attack. One the aged General can only guess will begin either within a few hours, or at night.

It's only a guess, but it's the best he has. "I want our men ready, have them take their stims early, the enemy won't be surprising us." The squad of Captain's saluted Gregor, rushing out to prep their soldiers.

Gregor narrowed his eye's, gluing them to his binocular's and keeping them focused on the barbarian army. "They don't seem like regular army, General." Said another officer, doing the same action as Gregor.

"Indeed, possibly either a mercenary force, or their allies coming to help." Gregor let out a silent sigh, sounding more like a grumble. He steps back, looking down at the map in the center of the CC. "I want our artillery to hone in on their positions, break up their forces before they even advance. Mortar's and mines will slow the advance if they manage to the make the distance, fire from our bunkers and soldiers should clear up any who survived."

As he said all this, he jabbed a finger into the map, making sure to tap on certain spots to emphasize it to his command staff.

"Our AA units will neutralize their aerial units, while our tanks will provide extra fire-support for the trenches." One of the Officers raised a hand, Gregor motioned towards the man, allowing him to speak.

"Should we pull some of our men from the outer trenches back? Just in case our artillery isn't as effective as expected, General?" Gregor brings a hand to his chin, gently rubbing it, contemplating the man's suggestion.

"No, but we will have our guns provide covering fire for them if they are overrun. Just remember to keep the men alert, the attack could come at any moment."

And just as he said that, outside the sound of Gunfire and screams could be heard. The radio operator leaned closer to his equipment, pressing his headset against his head, eye's wide open and teeth clenched. The faint sounds of chaos can be heard from the slits in the headsets seal, "Were getting calls from all over the line, the enemy just bypassed the defenses." The operator said, not turning away from his station.

Gregor's eyes widen from shock, how... how did they even...?


"How did they even get here before us?" Mumbled Pina, not noticing her internal thoughts were anything BUT internal.

"I-I don't know Princess, b-but I-" "Please, Hamilton." The young page nodded, feeling embarrassed. Turning her attention back towards the city, a singular bead of sweat falls down Pina's head.

"Go to Italica, and speak with Lord Colt Formal. Let him know that he is needed once more, once more to serve Sadera." These were the words that Emperor Molt said to her, the rare time he would actually send Pina to do something somewhat important.

And this was her mission, ride to Italica and... well, in all seriousness, order Lord Formal to participate in the attack on the barbarians and bunny warriors, the ones who had seized the Gate, only after they managed to repeal the Saderan invasion force.

"Bozes," Said Pina, "I want you and the others to stay back, too many of us could lead to a fight." Bozes nodded, "As you wish, your highness."

Steeling her nerves, she, along with a few of Knights, approach the gate. The strange metal, horseless wagons remain still outside the gate, barbarian soldiers patrol outside, keeping their staffs close and ready.

"Halt!" Yelled one of the soldiers, aiming his long metal staff at Pina, beside her, Grey grabs his sword, though not bringing it out of it's sheath. Norma and Hamilton stiffen their postures, one prepping to jump of his horse, the other nervous they'll be killed.

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