Chapter 21

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Sitting in one room for hours with nothing to do was making me restless.
The guards changed every so often, maybe every four hours.
John had to leave before the new shift came and Jason said that he will try to come back in the evening before he left.

It was now a waiting game for me, which was very annoying and uncomfortable. The light that managed to get through the covered windows slowly dimmed with every minute and if tomorrow I won't get
out I might just try attacking the guard.
Hopefully it won't be Jason as I can't tell them apart with those rags around their heads.

The door opens with a guard to take the next shift of watching the wall in silence. Seriously, do they really have to stay in the same room as me?

I notice how slimmer and slightly shorter the guard is. Good to know that even women can be guards, but it doesn't really help me.

With a sigh I lean my head back against the wall and stare at the ceiling. Looks like another several hours of silence to me.

Movement in the corner of my eye caught my attention and I look at the woman. She waved her arm slowly but the second I looked at her, she stiffens.

,,Wow, Jason wasn't lying about you." She lifted the rag slowly until her dark brown eyes became visible. ,,Your eyes really are clouded."

I sit straight. She knows Jason.
,,And you are?" I ask.

She smiles. ,,Linda. I'm more curious what's your name though. Jason said 'Sionara' or something"

A small laugh escapes me as I can't hold it back. He tried.
,,Its Xiomara. Or Xio."

She grins even more. ,,He is horrible with names. There's this one girl here, her name is Mireille, and he just can't remember it. So, he calls h- wait I'm getting distracted again. He sends a message that the 'plan' is in motion and that 'it' will happen today."

I blink in confusion.
,,What plan? And what's it?"

,,He didn't tell you, did he?" Linda snickers. ,,Thats so like him. Once he-"

,,Wait." I cut her off. ,,What plan?"

,,Oh right." She shakes her head. ,,Sorry. So, he will go and find those machines you told him about and turn them on and since the mist will come, they will probably take you out today for the sacrifice."

Her smile fell as she glances at me. ,,Which is not that good now that I think about it."

I bite my cheek and look at the door. ,,any chance of me escaping before that?"

She shakes her head. ,,The guards will shoot you down before you can make it to the woods. No one is allowed to enter the forest except Saviour, William and Nelson."

,,Who are they?" I ask in curiosity at the new information.

,,You met them already? You know, Chief and his second in command?"

,,The military man?" I mumble to myself, and she nods energetically.

,,Correct! That's William Mayers, also known as Chief. His second in command is Nelson Dean, also known as Nelson." She suddenly rummages through her pockets and takes out a paper bag. ,,Almost forgot! This is for you, John said that you may be hungry, so he gave you his rations."

It takes me aback. Rations? Do they have really that little food? Now that I think about it, some people looked starved.
,,He should eat it. If there's so little food then it bett-"
,,Oh don't worry. We have food, but we have to work for it. You get as much food as much work you do. John works a lot to get food for himself and his little brother Cody. So, take it. He insisted."

I swallow and get up. I will need to thank him later. I walk up to her and take the paper bag with a quiet 'thank you'.

Inside the bag are several pieces of dried meat and sliced carrots.
My mouth waters and I bite into the salty jerky. Somehow it tastes a lot better than the one I make. Maybe it's because their animals aren't infected? Or maybe I'm just bad at making anything edible.

Me and Linda had a conversation as the hours pass by. She got distracted several times and jumped to other topics, leaving me to guess what happened in the unfinished stories.
I just wanted to know what happened to Brody after he jumped on the bull.

,,And after she finally found her ba-" Linda suddenly cuts off and turns her head towards the door. She covers her face with the rag, and I quickly jump up and run towards the furthest corner.

Linda looks forward as the door opens and in walks Chief, Saviour and I guess Nelson. Nelson motions his hand and Linda walks out, before she closes the door, she gives looks at me with a nod, that the three men miss.

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