Chapter 17

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Two days ago, I was stupid enough to touch the fog, I have no idea what went through my mind. It was like I stopped thinking for a short moment of desperation. Yesterday I felt fine, and it seemed like nothing happened, but today I just don't feel right. Even if I wanted to explain this feeling to someone, I might be unable to. I just feel sick. My fingertips are tingling and slightly pale, and when I touch anything, it feels like thousand needles stabbing me. My stomach is upset all the time, and my eyes feel dry, not to mention the headache.

Yesterday I got out of the city and managed to walk until I couldn't see it anymore and found my current camping place before dark. An old oak tree that looks like it will crumble to dust at any time.

Looking at the sun that was slowly making its way upwards I decided that it was time to get up, even though I felt like crap. With a groan I sit up on the branch and feel my spine crack as if I was over eighty. It's surprising that I haven't fallen while sleeping last night.

Taking a deep breath of fresh air, I feel a weird taste in my throat, it was bitter and slightly metallic, like soap almost. It really reminded me of that time when I was a kid and just had to know how soap tasted like. I try to swallow the unpleasant taste, but it only seems to make it stronger.

Grabbing the bottle of water, I notice that it was only halfway full, meaning it was time to get more. There should be a stream or a lake since the city had a river running through it. Hopefully I will find it. I slowly take a sip of water and almost spit it out at the awful taste, the chemical taste in my mouth only intensified making me grimace. I tried to swallow the water, but it was like trying to swallow mud. Almost impossible. Do all the infected have this aftertaste?

I shiver after I manage to get some water into me but spit the rest out. I hope that I can at least eat something like a normal person at this point. Shaking my head, I climb down and head out into the closest patch of trees I saw. It should only take an hour or so to get there, but I did pull my leg and arm when I almost fell to my death, so I had a slight, almost unnoticeable limp.

Stretching as I begin to walk, I try to notice any new or weird feelings in my body. The tingle in my fingers and this cold feeling were definitely new as I never felt this cold in summer. The wind was also irritating my eyes a lot, I never had problems with dry eyes until now.

By the time I stop thinking about what could be happening I reached the patch of trees, so with new hope I try to find any source of water or food. I might go hunting today and smoke some meat for the upcoming days.

With a plan in mind, I start carefully looking around and trying to make as little noise as I can while stepping over logs and branches. A rabbit would be nice but knowing my luck lately I might find something bigger that would look at me as if I was the snack.

I spot a little white spot at the green foliage background. The little squirrel had no idea what was coming its way. Taking out the dull pocketknife I ready myself to go after it. I slowly walk closer as the small rodent ate something, probably some kind of nut or berries, I couldn't quite see it from this distance.
I hid behind a tree and peeked out, ready to run out and grab it before it saw me and started trying to attack me instead. Thats when I heard the loud high-pitched squeal, I recognized that sound from farms, but it wasn't a pig that ran out from some bushes, it was a massive boar. Giant white boar that ran directly at the squirrel, that unfortunately didn't have time to react as the boar bit it.

I hid back behind the tree, hoping that it wouldn't see me. I was no match with my dull pocketknife against a boar with tusks. Trying to breathe as quietly as possible I try to sneak away as the boar occupied itself with eating. Luckily it wasn't me it was chewing.

I didn't get far as I heard the high-pitched squeal again and looked behind me to see the boar running at me.
,, Oh, debes estar bromeando!" I yelled in Spanish as I started sprinting away, towards anything I could climb to get away from the boar.

The boar was gaining at me so I decided that climbing the closest tree will be the best opinion. I ran up to a tree and started climbing through the branches and pines, that were stabbing at my face and unfortunately my hands, sending unpleasant shocks through my fingers. As I neared half point of the tree, I looked down to see the hog looking up at me. I thought that pigs were unable to look up, but this one decided to prove me wrong apparently.

Will it go away if I sit here long enough?
Groaning in frustration I decide that hiding in the branches and pines might be my only option, maybe it will get distracted with another animal or just give up. Looking through the branches I notice that the next tree is very close by, maybe I can jump over to another tree?
No, I won't risk it.

Waiting it is and since I will be up here for some time, I can check my bag. Since I started traveling, I was only taking out food or water, or hammock.

The hammock was on the top of the backpack, so I let it sit there while I looked inside. The two water bottles, one empty and one half full. The compass and the old map as well as the diary. Some plastic bags and the note from Cooper. On the very bottom I found my dead phone, but now it was slightly cracked. It must have gotten damaged along the way, not to say I wasn't careful with the bag.

If I find a way to charge it, I might be able to contact Eva, but finding a working outlet could prove to be rather hard. I heard of solar phone chargers, but I have no idea how they look, or where to get them. With a sigh I put everything back and just sit there as the boar gradually loses interest.

It started circling the tree, sometimes leaving and then coming back, until it must have left for good as I haven't seen it for almost half an hour. Finaly climbing down I look around and when the coast is clear make a run for it.
If my life keeps going downhill like that, I might start to think that life hates me.

I kept walking until I saw what I was looking for, a stream. It was deeper than I thought at first glance, and I could see a faint shadow of a fish swimming slowly downstream. This might have solved two problems at once for me, not only I have water but also food.

The boar might be around, so I don't think that making a fire here is a good idea or maybe it will get scared of the flames if it shows up? No, I doubt it will come here, I walked some good distance, and I went in the other direction the boar went.

I gathered a few sticks and branches, one longer and rather straight stick was put aside, and I started to make the fire to boil water. Hopefully I will manage to catch at least one fish with the stick I put aside, after I sharpen it of course.

When the flames were big enough that they didn't need constant care, I filled the pot and let it sit next to the fire, and the plastic handles will most likely start melting. If they do, I will definitely smell the burning plastic.

Using the dull pocketknife, I start sharpening the stick until it had a pretty sharp point, then I made smaller cuts in the sides so the fish wouldn't slip, hopefully it won't. With one look at the fire, I added a few small sticks to it and took off my shoes and socks. I pulled my pants slightly up to not get them wet before stepping in the cold water. The slimy rocks made me slightly uncomfortable but at least I didn't slip, yet.

I noticed the swimming shadow of the fish and stayed as still as possible, hoping that the fish will get closer. When the fish swam next to me, I stabbed the water with so much force that I lost balance on the slippery rocks. With a gasp I felt the cold water hit my face as I fell.

Sitting up I scowl and check the stick to find no fish at all. Catching fish with a fishing rod was way easier than this. With a calming breath I get up and look for another fish. When the fish swam closer, I stab into the water again and actually hit the fish. Shocked that it actually worked I try to grab the fish before it could squirm off the stick, I should have made the grooves sharper.

Victouriosly bringing the fish on land I notice the foul burnt smell of plastic. Running towards the fire I pull the pot away from the flames with the non-melted handle. The water was simmering but not yet boiling and the other handle was completely melted off, leaving only steel part of the handle.

Well, since it already burned off, I might as well let it finish boiling. Adding a few more sticks into the fire I start preparing the fish. I knew how to gut it and smoking it would be the best option. I'm not the greatest cook, not even a good one, but how hard can be smoking one fish right?

I gather as much fallen leaves and needles as I could find and put them next to the fire, after that I make the small rack from some sticks and string I have. The fish was cut in half and the head was chopped off. I don't like when my food looks at me.

When the water started boiling, I slid it to the side so it could cool off. Now it's time to smoke the fish. Adding the leaves and needles I enjoyed the smell of the smoke as I put the fish over it. This day might not be so bad after all.

Grabbing my half empty water bottle, I take a sip and instantly spit it out. The chemical teste was back and made my eyes tear up from the intensity. I almost forgot about it. A shiver shook my body as I try to drink the water. There was still half a day left before camp so I might catch some more fish, after I dry off some. My clothes were still wet, but I guess that a bath wouldn't hurt. I'm surprised that animals still try to attack me when I smell worse than a dumpster.

I give up on drinking water for now and decide to watch over the fire as the flames can't get too big. Taking a deep breath, I look over to the sunlight that was coming down from between all the branches and greenery. The forest looked serene.   

The Fog  (HIATUS)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz