Chapter 8

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We met up with Cooper two days ago and I had a feeling that he doesn't like me. Maybe it's because I gave him a stupid nickname after he struggled an entire hour to crack open a coconut he got from a store, only to find out that it was rotten inside. Since then I began calling him Cocoguy.

And he started calling me brat or kid. For his defence my name is pretty hard to say and spell.

Tío is currently making breakfast, as Cocoguy was even worse at cooking than I was. But I have to praise myself, I am a rather good hunter, mostly because the prey isn't really running away.

It was still chilly but not freezing, better for us as we have to sleep outside. Currently I'm sitting at the edge of the roof, scanning the surroundings for any kind of threat.

The Fog was mostly gone and I'm ready to head out, finally. We will finally start heading east towards Crystal Falls and hopefully find the fort.
Cocoguy wasn't thrilled to hear our plan but what could he do? Stop us?

He can go his way if he wants but nothing will stop me from my destination. I will get to my friend no matter what.

,,Breakfast is ready!" Tío threw a cap at me, it landed on my leg. I turned and grabbed the cap with a grin and a plan.
Cocoguy and Tío were discussing something while eating, both of them facing the fire.

I sneak up behind Cocoguy and tapped on his right shoulder while I duck to the left. When he turned I quickly threw the cap on him and jumped next to Tío who was watching in amusement.

Cocoguy growled and ripped the cap of his head before glaring daggers at me.
,,Pedro, keep this brat in check will ya."

I gave the most innocent look I could muster before looking away.
,,I didn't do anything, it was the wind."

,,Yea, sure, the wind. What's gonna be next? Gnomes?" He snorted and threw the cap into the fire.

,,What? Are you missing your left sock?" I joked and Tío started chuckling before giving me a plate with whatever he made.

I ate the food and cleaned the plastic plate with some water, before stretching.

,,So, are you done? Can we go already?" I asked and looked over at them, only to see them still eating. How slow can they be?

,,We'll be ready in ten minutes." Tío said as he shoved another spoonful in his mouth. ,,You can pack the bags if you're this inpatient."

,,What?" I asked, pretending to not hear him.

His eyebrows furrowed.
,,I said that you could-"

,,I heard you." I smiled happily ,,I was just messing around."
I grabbed the nearest bag and went over to the pile of stuff we had. Mostly blankets and food that Cocoguy gathered before we got here.

I could see Cocoguy scoff from the corner of my eye and he started saying something.
I didn't really care what he was talking about, all I cared about was leaving this place already.

In about five minutes I had everything packed and prepared to move. The hardest was to pack that tent. For some reason Cooper doesn't want to leave it, where is he planning to use it? We will mostly camp on trees so there is no need for it.

I waited for them near the ladder and when they finally came I slid down. I waited for them to climb down and point the direction. I had no idea where Crystal Falls or Michigan were but luckily I had two adults with me.

We started walking to the edge of the town, Cocoguy was leading, while me and Tío walked behind him.
Both of them were prepared for any kind of surprise attack. I on the other hand was scanning the treeline.
I noticed movement faster then them, probably because of my paranoid mind.

The Fog  (HIATUS)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora