Chapter 1

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,,You know, hitch-hiking isn't the best idea for a young girl like ya" The middle aged man chuckled as he stared at the street. He scratched his chin where his long, neatly braided beard was. He glanced at me, waiting for my response.

I gave him a playfull smile ,,Oh no, is the big bad truck driver planning something?"

He barked with laughter before shaking his head ,,I'm just sayin ya know? Not everyone is as nice as me"

,,Then I'm lucky" I smiled at him ,,Besides, I know a few tricks to get me out of trouble, Mr Dixon"

,,Okay kid listen, it's Neil. Don't call me Mr, I feel old"

I nodded and noticed the street sign. I was getting closer to my destination, Finally. It took me almost four days to get here.

,,You can drop me off at the nearest gas station or anywhere you like. I can walk rest of the way" I pointed at the sign.

,,Sure thing kid" Neil nodded and looked at the nearest possible spot to stop his truck.

Neil was a really nice guy. A little quiet but he had a good sense of humour. Not to say his truck was really comfortable. Truck drivers have a really nice job. Sure, they sit hours on end but they visit a lot of places.
Almost like me.

Neil stopped next  to the gas station closest to my destination and we said our goodbyes. I tried to give him money since he drove me over 200 miles but he refused.
What a nice guy.

I waved him one last time as he drove off and I went my own way, next to the street. It felt nice to stretch my legs after so long. I had over 5 miles and then I will be finally at my uncles place.

It took me almost a hour and a half to finally see the first house of Athabasca. Glad that nothing changed, well maybe expect a few new cars and garden equipment, everything looked just like last year when I came to visit Tío.

I saw his house at the corner of the street. The dirty white walls of the little house with overgrown yard that screamed the word ,abandoned' greeted me like last time I was here. It almost suprised me how this neglected place always looked the same, I always expect that it will look worse or finally someone will take pity on it and cut the grass.

Last time when I wanted to do so my Tío assured me that he will do it himself after I leave. Looks like he forgot his words, again. Trying my best to avoid getting ticks, I sprint to the front door and knock a few times.

Waiting for the answer I notice one neighbour wave at me. The old lady, probably in her 80s, smiled and started coming over. Not wanting her to walk that much, and because nobody was apparently home, I skipped towards her.

,,Hello there miss Patel!" I smiled brightly at her.

She smiled as well. ,,It's nice to see you back in town" She pointed at the house behind me ,,You know, this house needs a strong woman hand. Then it wouldn't look like that."

I knew what she wanted but that just wouldn't work. I couldn't stay in one place for too long, since I loved traveling and my uncle was a disaster.

,,Miss Patel, you know I can't stay but I promise to save this poor yard when I have the time" I grinned and helped her towards her door. When I reached for the doorknob she just pointed at her rocking chair on her porch.

When she sat down she smiled and looked at the miserable house across the street. Her clean house with neatly cut grass was a stark contrast to the pitiful pile of brick and wood that my uncle called his home.

,,He left the key under the plant pot" She grumbled and shook her head ,,To think that he isn't even here to welcome you"

I giggled a little and patted her shoulder lightly. ,,He's a strange one for sure but a very loving man. I'm sure when he gets older he will... well get his thoughts on the right line"

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