Chapter 20

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I walk around the machine and the cable that leads towards a tree and then up. I was intrigued to say the least.
It definitely raises questions for me.
What is it doing here? What was it for and who put it here?

It definitely had power since some red led light blinks ever so often. I eye the cables that lead up a tree and started to climb said tree.
Once I reached the top a surprising sight greets me.
Solar panel secured to a branch, with the branches and leaves cleared above it.

I get down and decide to scout the area.
Walking to the side I'm met with just trees, shrubs and bushes.
No signs of life.

Shaking my head, I head towards the wall. This place had to be a fort, but they probably didn't manage to build it before the fog came.
As I reach the machine once more, I look for a button or a switch.
Since it has power, I may at least find out what it was for.

I spot a button next to the flashing red light and press it. The machine comes to life and within a second, a thick white smoke comes out of it. There was so much of it in such a short time I panicked and turned it off again.

Staring at it with furrowed eyes I get up and start heading towards the wall.
As I catch a glimpse of the wall, I hear a rustle of some branches and leaves.

I stop and observe the foliage on my left side. It feels like eternity until I hear another rustle and a human with a white, dirty rag covering their face emerges from the shrubs.

As they come into view, they stop and look at me. They also go completely still.
This gives me the opportunity to see the firearm they carried and make my decision.

In seconds I turn around and sprint away.

,,Hey! Get back here!"
The male voice shouted as the person gave chase.

I run towards the machine and then swiftly climb up the tree. As I reach the top the thuds of my pursuer footsteps get louder.
As I watch him pass the tree and listen to his footsteps getting further away, I relax slightly.

Waiting another minute just in case I then climb down and head towards the wall. I reach the tall, steel fence and look for the tree I used to get in.

As I search, I hear thuds behind me, but before I can react, I feel weight push me to the ground. Knocking me off my feet and pushing me to the ground.
My mind instantly flashes to the feral woman from the town and I panic.

,,Gotcha!" The voice of the man with the rag over his face sounds behind me as he puts most of his weight on me, preventing me from escaping.

,,Wait! Let me go!" I scream as I try to wiggle out, but he rips my bag of my back and pulls my hand behind me.
,,Stop squirming." He growls as he ties my hands and pulls me up. ,,If you don't cooperate, I'll shoot you."
He starts pushing me while holding my arms with one hand and pushing his gun to my back with the other.
,,Start walking."

Not wanting to get shot I do as he says, but I glance behind me only to see that he left my backpack on the ground. The only thing I had on me is the pocketknife and my compass.

He drags me through the forest until my legs are sore and we enter a clearing where plenty of people tended to crops and animals, as well as another wall with five watchtowers spread unevenly across it.

A fort.

People were freely tending to the crops outside the steel fence and some sheep were grazing on the grass as well. When the people saw the man leading me, they all stopped and whispered among each other.
Some even ran inside.

As we neared the entrance a young man with dirty blond hair started walking towards us. He is wearing a white robe with some red embroidery on the short sleeves and the hem. A red cloth wrapped around his waist.
He is accompanied by three other people.

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