Chapter 3

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I couldn't sleep after witnessing the teal fog. My mind just kept reminding me how Tío said that it was dangerous and deadly. And I just couldn't imagine how.

Tío went to sleep later that night and is snoring like a bull. The sun is about to come out and I felt like a corpse. It wasn't my first sleepless night but it definitely was one of the most stressful ones.

I watched from the window as the unusual fog swirled gently in the wind. It somehow expanded so much over the night, that I could barely see the truck.
My anxiety was rising every moment I blinked so I grabbed my phone and opened my contacts. I don't have a lot of them, most from places I used to work from time to time.

I found Eva and called her. Every ring made me more scared of what could have happened. Is Eva OK? What does that fog even do?

,,Benji!" Eva cried when she picked up ,,I was so worried sick! The alarms started blaring in the middle of the night and some people in hazmat suits came and yelled at everyone!"

She was sobbing at this point. I was so glad to hear her voice and some of my stress instantly melted away.

,,Eve, you have no idea how scared I was. Are you okay?" I glanced at Tío but he was still snoring in his hammock.

,,Yes, me and mom went upstairs. Dad went to help one neighbour with his wheelchair but hasn't come back yet." Eva sobbed ,,The dudes in hazmats told us to stay inside and away from the mist and wait for next orders, I'm scared!"

,,I'm glad you're safe. They will evacuate you to a safe place, I'm sure of it" I tried to assure her.

,,They said something about evacuation but I'm not sure about it. Why haven't they evacuated us yet?"

,,Maybe they don't have the vehicles needed to evacuate the entire continent?" I tried a little joke, even if it came up a little dry.

,,Right. Oh and they apparently will start broadcasting some info on the radio around noon" Eva sniffed but she was clearly calming down.

,,Did they say where you will be evacuated?"

She mumbled 'wait' and clearly was moving around and ask someone the exact same question I asked.

,,Apparently somewhere close to the crystal falls" She sounded rather unsure but that information was like a gold vein to me. If I ever want to find her I will know where to look, even if I had no idea where that was. I can ask her when she gets there hopefully.

,,I will see if I can get there" I quickly check my phone battery ,,Okay listen, I don't have a lot of battery left. I will turn my phone off and preserve the battery. If something new comes up just send a message and I will read it at the end of the week and respond"

,,Okay, stay safe. Oh and say sorry to your uncle from me, please?"

,,Yeah sure, be safe" I say and let her end the call. I turn my phone off and wait for Tío to wake up.

I glance outside but have to do a double take. It seemed like the fog was fading away.
Was it just dissapearing? So the crisis is over in one night?

I wanted to ask Tío but he was still snoring and I didn't want to wake him up. He wouldn't be annoyed but I knew he didn't sleep much today.

I may be able to wake him up using food but at the same time I was a terrible cook. But I do know how to make some coffee.

I managed to make a pot of coffee and after I let the fresh smell fill the room, Tío started to grumble. He stirred awake and sleepily grabbed himself the hot cup.

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