8. Plaything

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"Good grief, how troublesome." The man exhales exaggeratedly and bores his forest green eyes into Amaimon's golden ones.

"Am I understanding correctly, brother? You have brought me a human who is in mortal debt and homeless, and you want me to feed and clothe them. Why? So you can keep the end of your deal and be fed 'sweets' every day?"

Johann Faust, the man in front of me, rubbed his eyebrows together and looked quite frustrated. I can't blame him; Amaimon really has that effect on people.

This must be the big brother Amaimon was talking about. No doubt about it, since he called me a 'human'. Quite the character... He was wearing a white top hat, a white coat, and pink underclothes. His purple hair was not a bad look, though.

Since he's Amaimon's brother, that means that man is also a demon. Then I guess his style makes sense. Amaimon doesn't look exactly too typical either. This must be the latest fad within the demon community.

"You said if I did what you've told me, I could play around. It's taking too long. I want this one, brother." I flush. You want this one? What am I? An object?

My blood was boiling because of two facts. On the other hand, he just said he wants me, and then yet again, he objectified me. Am I fine with being objectified when it comes from a conveniently attractive Demon King?

When did my morals start getting loose?

"Little brother. You cause me trouble one after the other and expect me to be at your beck and call. I thought I taught you better than that. Should we revisit our old lessons~?" The freakish-looking man smiled bitterly. He had an uncanny gleam in his eyes, which made me shudder. I should say something. Anything.

I opened my mouth to speak, which instantly made the purple-haired man look my way. It's like he completely forgot that I was there too. I put my sincerest customer face on.

"I apologise, sir. Johann Faust. I was in deep debt, and Amaimon was only worried for my well-being. I sincerely apologise for any trouble this may have caused you. I expect no help regarding my financial issues. I thank you for your time."

I smile at him, but it is not returned. Instead, the man's brow visibly twitched. He seemed delighted when I called him by his name, but the instant I mentioned Amaimon, his expression contorted.

"Amaimon~?" His smile was beyond twisted.

Demons have a habit of making inhumane expressions. I should keep that in mind if I ever happen to stumble upon another one of Amaimon's brothers. Avoid them like the plague.

"Why does a human know your name, naughty brother~?"Amaimon kept his stoic expression and briskly glanced at me. I tried to convey a 'sorry' with my eyes, but I think the message fell flat. He just looked away, back at the purple-haired chairman.

Amaimon begins to speak, yet Mephisto cuts him off.

"You're revealing your identity to what? A plaything? I could understand if the thing were a 'mashou no onna'. Which this one clearly isn't." Ouch. He glared me down and waved a pointed finger at me.

'A plaything'. I gritted my teeth. I mean, what did you expect from demons? They are immortal and far above humans in both brawn and intelligence. To them, I'm basically a talking pet.

"-I ordered you to always ask for consent, then pay, not bring the thing to me and make me pay. Do you understand?"

It's annoying.

"I'm not his plaything." The defiant words left my mouth the instant they came to mind. My confidence instantly faltered, and my body stiffened to a standstill. I should speak politely to a Demon King, right? They're not simply demons, but kings of them.

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