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"Pa, pa!!" The loud yells echoed through the small apartment. They were loud enough to reach the neighbours' houses and soon with that, loud footsteps followed.

I ran from the kitchen to upstairs as fast as my little legs could go. The old wooden floors creaked as I ran over them and up the stairs. I could barely hold in the excitement and the butterflies that welled up in my stomach.

My heart raced and my face was flushed, clothes covered in chocolate and whipping cream. I finally did it, pa's gonna be so proud!!

My cheeks hurt from all the smiling but I couldn't stop. And when I made it to the point I could see my grandfather, I loudly squealed.

In front of my grandfather, who looked at me with raised brows. I shoved a thick and slightly melted nama chocolate towards him.

"Look, look!!! I didn't burn it!!! Look!!" I yelled cheerfully while quickly placing it onto my pa's hands. I jumped from one leg to another, hurry hurry and taste it already.

He looked at me astounded and smiled from ear to ear as he looked closely at the thick chocolate treat I had made. Just taken out of the fridge, but already melted enough to have made my hands covered in melted chocolate.

"Hmm, it indeed looks quite well done, doesn't it Y/N." He kept staring and moving it around, melting it in his hands.

I shove his hands higher towards his mouth.

"Hurry hurry, eat it before it melts, what does it taste like?"

He laughs as he looks at my flushed features and widened eyes. I wonder what he'll say, is it good?

My eyes wide like a doe's, I look close at his every moment. He slowly puts the chocolate closer to his mouth, in slow motion with a slight smirk playing on his features.

"Hurry..." I mumbled and huff as I tried to push his hands a little higher but he was much taller than I so it was near impossible.

"Hah, yeah yeah lil twerp." He takes the whole chocolate and puts it in his mouth in one giant bite.

"Ooooh!" I say as I once more start jumping around, my heart racing as I wait for his response.

"Is it good? What does it taste like? Better? More chocolate?" I bombard him with questions as I could hardly wait.

My happiness was soon stopped as I saw his expressions turn downward. His gaze thoughtful, he swallowed and hummed. I stopped in my tracks, looked at my father in wonder, awaiting a response.

Too long. Way too long. I groan and start pulling at the hem of his shirt.

"Come ooooooon, grampssssssssss, answerrrrrrrr meeeeeeeeeee..."

A light chuckle broke through him. Then another and another, until he was wholeheartedly laughing. His face flushed and his smile as wide as possible.

He then embraced me in a bone breaking hug that took all the air out of my lungs.

"It was wonderful Y/N! You did an amazing job, I am so proud of you twerp!"

We broke into a fit of giggles as dad carried me to the kitchen where he ate the chocolates while praising me.

He gave me a chocolate which I took from his soft hands and placed into my mouth. It quickly started melting onto my tongue and as I bit down it smoothly went through. Smooth and soft, the texture of it was delightful.

"See Y/N, this is the kind of quality we look for when making chocolates. Smooth and easy to melt on the tongue and you did exactly that."
He said while eating another chocolate with a humongous bite, leaving nothing behind.

I swallowed the chocolate. The texture was nice and clearly better than the other attempts, which ended up clumpy.

He raised his hand and patted me on the head with his huge hand that could cover the entirety of my head.

I was happy. I keep dreaming of these lovely moments we shared, but each time I wake up, I forget your face.

With him, my heart swelled with desire to go on, make him proud, do my best and maybe one day, taste the sweetness of my creations.

But now only the cold wind of the spring could reach me in the place of your warm embrace.

Only the pitying faces made towards me could be in the place of your smiles.

On that sunny evening everyone stood before your cold body.

I could only hope the rain had been there to make it seem more real. Maybe it could have hidden those tears that glided down my face. I wanted to damn the sun that day. The day you died, there was no rain to prove the loss. Instead a setting sun that shone as bright as ever, it was as if the entire earth was mocking me. 

I could only live in the hope this was a lie, a dream I could pinch away. If only.

If only I hadn't left home that day and stayed. He would be here.

His dreams unfulfilled.

I can't let you die like this.

Taste of Sweetness ~Amaimon x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now