1. Thief

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A quiet morning, when even the sun was barely showing through the gaps between the houses. The weather was warm and the streets empty, aside from the few passing by cars. Only a few houses were alight.

I hum to my favorite song as I carefully pour the caramel I'd just made to cone shaped molds embedded in sugar. And as each and every cone was filled, I quickly washed and cleaned away the excess caramel.

It had already stubbornly decided to stay on the pan like glue. I was dangerously close to smashing this pan to pieces right here and now. Too bad I have my best weapons with me today! Vinegar and... my scrubby sponge!

I scurry from one side of the kitchen to the other, though that would be an overstatement because the kitchen was fairly small. With little to no space at all, I couldn't even stretch out my arms without hitting the other side of the wall.

Then there I stand, out of place and confused. Sugar cones are cooling down, the condensed milk chocolates are done and ready to be sold. The coconut pieces are in the see-through fridge and all of the pastries are already done and in the display cases.

I lean against one of the walls, then isn't everything done? But I had an itching feeling that I had definitely forgotten something. If only I would know what that something is. I rub my imaginary beard as I look around the small one-way kitchen.

"Aaaaah, come on, what could I have..." Why is it always the moments you say it out loud that you remember, huh?!

"Oh fuck!" I noticed the oven, it was still on. My croissants!

I quickly stumble my way to the oven that was burning my croissants alive and open it. Without a hitch, I put my gloves on and take them out, gently placing them on top of the oven and banging the oven shut and turning the heat off.

I breathe rapidly in and out, it wasn't even that bad. But the fact that I had forgotten scared the living shit out of me.

I look at the croissants, not too bad, just a bit too dark if we want to be nit-picky. I set down the gloves and rub my face roughly.

"Arghhhhhhh, oh dear lord may have mercy on me" I mumble, now my face hurts, gosh.

I let out a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat that had rolled down my forehead, gosh it was hot. I washed my hands again and looked at the steaming hot desserts.

Chocolate was oozing out of the ends of the croissants, what a beautiful sight. I felt my whole face turn upwards as I was beaming with joy, pleasant butterflies welling in my stomach. A feeling that I'd grown accustomed to.

I take my sieve and powdered sugar, gently dropping a bit on each and every single one of them.
I then take them gently and place them in one of the display cases filled with pastries and other sweets I'd made the day before. It's always so refreshing and the sight is always so satisfying. Those croissants that seemed to glow in the light of dawn in this old yet lovely shop. There was nothing else one could wish for.

I sigh and take the cooled down cones, put a paper wrapper around them and go to the counter, where I place them into an open glass jar of sorts. Everything was ready and set. I quickly tidy up the kitchen, washing the dishes, wiping the tables and putting the ingredients back to the cabinets.

I go to the main part of the store and open the windows, a beautiful rising sun that decorated the sky with its orange tones shone brightly and beautifully, the cool wind blowing my hair back. I glanced at the sight for a moment more. Fuck my eyes.

I rub my eyes and breath yet again a heavy sigh. Bills and bills, left and right, was there a single moment in my life when money wasn't an issue?
At this point I'm losing more money than I am getting, maybe I should get a part-time job...

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