2. Dear Customer

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"We're sorry Mx, but we really cannot do anything about your problem.
We are busy, and chasing after something that may or may not be there, is wasting our time. We hope you understand." 

"I can understand that, no, I would, but this problem has been going on for several days. It will not suddenly just end."

"I am sorry, but we do not offer our services on just possibilities. We will come if you have proof of such things. Now you can buy products from our site thebeStexcorCistompAny.coM and we also charge ¥1000 for our cal-"  

"Honestly just quit it, if you can't work, then what's the point. Can't even do basic exorcism? The one and only purpose of your services?"

"Please liste-" Been listening for a while now and it ain't leading nowhere, kind sir.

"No thanks. I hope you have a fantastically awful day, sorry not sorry. Buh-bye." I say and end the call then and there.

I sigh out of frustration. What do you mean you can't do anything? Chasing after something that may or may not be there?! 

Two days. No, for three, this demon has been showing up here and they think I'm nuts or something?

I should've not even tried with that third-rate "exorcist" service. Exorcists my ass. You just want to smooch money off of me without doing any actual work. I wonder what happened to that other exoccist business, I tried to reach out but... it seems they have had a casualty and are taking time off? I hope they'll be fine...

I rub my face and sit down on a chair. I also need to open up soon... If people find out that I'm having a demon problem, the last remaining customers I have will definitely leave.

Then I'll have to probably take a loan, do other work, give up on this whole thing. Worst case scenario, go back home to my last remaining family, grandmother and my brother. And that, that is a whole other problem on its own.

I gaze long and hard at the closed window. I'm too uncertain to open it again. Now that I think about it, yesterday was quite odd. First a customer appears out of nowhere and leaves by jumping out the window and then suddenly a demon appears, steals my food and also coincidentally makes an escape out the window.

Not to mention the fact that it bit my hand, leaving a red mark behind that still has yet to leave.

The moment I thought about it the mark on my hand started stinging. Damn it.

I stand up from the comfort of my chair, stumble to the first-aid box and take out some ointment. The cool sensation made the burning balance out and I instantly felt relief wash over me.

"Sigh, I guess it can't be helped..." I mumble as I walk over to the door and unlock it. Another day, maybe something good will happen. 

And instantly as I walk back to the counter, ready to start preparing one of the orders made for me, my phone starts buzzing.

I open it and in giant letters it reads "Grandmother". I felt nauseous already, I know it's never going to be good with her. One call after another, maybe it was useless to think that today was going to be even remotely nice.

I answer the call and am instantly greeted with an angry yell from the speaker.

"Y/N, why haven't you called me! It's been a long time and you haven't said anything!" Oh gosh. Her voice was menacing as she yelled at me.

It truly has been a while, but maybe if they didn't push their ideas at me all the time, I'd actually call them more.

"I'm sorry, I've been busy with the store so I had no-" And as I was about to finish, I heard her scoff loudly, I could almost hear the sneer that was probably plastered on her face.

"Oh I know, Y/N. I didn't expect you'd have any customers left anymore, people are leaving because of the recent demon sightings in the area. People keep getting in trouble there!"

Dread filled me as I already knew which direction this was heading.

"It's dangerous out there! With that job, you barely earn anything. I doubt that you even have enough money to pay the bills there!" That was true, I was barely going by, but I refused to admit it to her.

"-This is why I told you to instead continue to a higher education and get a proper job like a doctor or a lawyer."

It's always about jobs with her, ever since my parents died and grandfather left, always, even before his death. She was always insisting for me to study and study. I appreciate the fact that she cared, but I never felt that that was my calling in life. Being a doctor or a lawyer, it seems time-consuming, will I even have time to live?

"Your brother is already getting his degree yet you are away from home, doing a failing business and paying a debt that old fool left you-"
Old fool, yet you made kids with that "old fool", I guess that makes you an even bigger fool. 

"I know, but I'm not interested in any of those. Grandfather was successful, not a fool, he had an idea and didn't have any time to make it happen." I said while gritting through my teeth.

A sigh broke out on the other side of the call, I knew she was mad and I also knew this was not the end of it. I close my eyes and rub my face once more, roughly. It felt like someone was sitting on my chest and making it hard to breathe. I didn't feel like dealing with this.

"Y/N, this is the last time. Listen to me. Come back home, I've seen the debts, I know you aren't earning money there either. If I have to, I'll forcefully get you from there."

"-If you don't plan on getting a higher education then at least get married, I already have many people interested in meeting you. This is it. And if you can't do that then get another job that's more certain." 

I don't want any of that. None of it. But I couldn't argue back, it would just be pouring more gasoline to an already burning flame.

Going back home would mean losing my freedom. Being financially reliant on her means I have to pay back some way, and that would be by listening to what she wants. Marriage, a different occupation that I won't enjoy. I know I am a disappointment and over there it's apparent. It's pressure left and right, being there makes me feel sick to my very bones.

"I don't want to, why do you even know about my business? Grandmother, you don't need to worry, I can make ends me-"

"And I told you, you cannot! Listen when adults talk! I know how this all will end and sooner or later you'll end up on the streets with a huge debt and no money nor spouse to help you!"

She spat out in a fit of anger. The sudden outburst made me flinch and I sighed slowly.

But as I close my eyes even tighter, I wonder if I actually can really get used to this. I sniff silently as she continues on to berate me and my ambitions.
I just dozed off as I looked into nothing really. I really don't want to hear it.

How can I leave this place when grandfather, the person who took care of me for most of my childhood, poured his heart and soul into this. The guilt was eating me alive.

Just then, the doorbell jingled as a customer came in. My eyes widened and I instantly rub my eyes and said to my grandmother on the phone who was still yelling.

"-It doesn't even make sense! You can't even tas-"

"I have to go, there's a customer. I'll call you later!" I say loudly as I interrupt her rant.

"Now wait you little brat. I'm not done-" I press the red call button and close my phone.

"Now what can I get for you, dear customer?" 

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