5. Tasteless

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A loud noise echoed in the store, so loud that it woke me from my slumber. My heart was racing as I instantly sat up from my bed and looked around. Is it a thief? Cold sweat rolled down my forehead as I could barely move from the bed, I was scared shitless.

"Did someone break in...?" I mumble to myself as I frantically look around my room. I had never had a break-in before. Fuck. What could they even take? I have no money on me, I'm literally broke.

It sounded like it came from the main-part of the store. My room is the furthest away so they probably won't come here, if it is a break-in. They'll probably leave after they see I have no money in the register. Or maybe that sad little coin left in all my savings? Everything goes right away when it comes.

I feel like I should move or call the cops, phone? I hurriedly looked around, nightstand, below the pillow, and the cabinet. I tried to look everywhere but it wasn't there. I must've left it in the store.

So plan B) Get a weapon and if you see anything, smack it hard.

Everything dangerous is in the kitchen though. I carefully stand up from the bed, as to not make any noise. I was still in my f/c pajamas, not like caring about appearances would matter.

I tip-toe my way to the door and slowly open it, peeking between the door. I tried to hold my breaths in order to not alert the possible intruder.

It didn't look like anything was there, yet. The kitchen had no door to close it away from the store, but as long as they don't move far, I'll be able to stay hidden, get a weapon and protect myself.

I stepped inside the kitchen, it was still so dark so it was a bit hard to see, but I still remember where everything is. I quickly go to the cabinet where my knives are and take the biggest and sharpest one. I was trying to be calm as adrenaline pumped through my veins.

What should I do now? Go back? Switch on the lights? Maybe then I could see them but if they have anything more dangerous, like a gun, the situation would instantly be reversed and I'd be at a disadvantage. Sneaking up on them?

I have to.

I look around, it's very dark but it doesn't seem like anyone is here. I stand up slowly, holding the knife in front of me. Just for self-defence... I hope I won't have to use it though. I tip-toe forward until I reach the doorway, the register right in front of me. I look around, nothing, only the cold wind that came from the broken window.

Maybe someone had thrown something at it to break it on purpose?

I see my phone and as I try to swiftly grab it, I hear the crunching of glass next to me. I instantly whirl around, pointing my knife at whoever the intruder was, but suddenly a dark figure appears in front of me. Shit.

Before I could react and do something, both of my hands were grabbed harshly, I had to let the knife go as I couldn't hold it. I flinch and I'm suddenly pushed against a wall, the intruder in front of me.

Their breaths hit my face as their face was close to mine. I couldn't even utter a word. What if they're planning on killing me? My eyes scanned everything around me, nothing I could do. Fuck. Is this the way I die? I should've just stayed in my room, if it was going to end like this!

"Y/N." My eyes widened, that voice, Amaimon? What, why, wait a minute, why? I felt a lot calmer in the way that I was not scared but instead pissed off. Are they a stalker or just a crazy person?

"Amaimon?" I say gritting through my teeth.

He lets go of my hands and takes a step back. I press the light switch right next to me and as I thought. Amaimon in all his glory, just looking at me as if they did not just break in here like a criminal and scare the living shit out of me in the process.

Taste of Sweetness ~Amaimon x Reader~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat