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Why is he here?

Why of course, for the event!

My breathing is going haywire. 

I can feel that I cannot stand straight and forget walking.

Wait, I'm not having an asthma.

I don't remember having one.

Then why is this happening?

Varshi, you are not weak at least not in front of someone who does not care about your emotions, who does not take you as a friend.

Calm down, girl.

I try to walk and suddenly I feel a bit better.

So self-talk does work!

He has changed from what I remember.

His dressing style is the main thing that struck me in there.

For once I thought I was seeing a completely different person maybe a dupe..?

But holy shit did he change?

He maintained eye contact with me for so long, I mean he did so in the past, it was a tender kind.

The kind that was so soft that you could moan out loud.

But this.

This stare was the intense kind that promises you all the hard, bold, and harsh on-the-face facts.

He was not like-

Wait a second, what the fuck Varshi!?

Why think of him now?

He is here for the event and not something else, so why think of him so much? He is a stranger now and forever.

Don't waste your time and energy on him.

He is not worth your I'm.

Deep breaths.

Now focus on managing the event and the faculty.

"Ma'am, I have already cross-checked the participants as they informed me to. The participants are kind of eager to start the event and are asking to start ASAP. But what should be done for the judge?"

She has a solemn expression on place sitting on her chair in the department amidst the chaos she created out of papers.

"It's fine Varshi. I have called on a friend of mine and he has arranged it. Here is his introductory info"


This ma'am had made me go nuts for this issue and now all her crises have been solved.

Couldn't she remember this piece of information earlier, it would have saved the trouble.


"Ok, ma'am. So I'll start the event after half an hour perhaps?"

"Yes god please do Varshi. Let's get over with this circus in the name of the fest"

This lecturer is too chill to be a lecturer.


"I request all the participants of Devil's Advocate to please assemble in the very next lecture room for the event"

I try very hard to keep my eyes straight or anywhere in the room avoiding looking at him sitting in the corner of the room with his head done on the desk.

But it's just so hard.

My thoughts are in a rush.

So many all at once that it is difficult to stop at all.

All the participants of the event moved out leaving behind essay competition participants.

"OK. Everyone, please pay your attention here. I will give out the instructions for the event now so please pay close attention to my words. Anyone messing up with the rules will be disqualified, no questions asked as to why you did what you did. 

Rule no 1: you will be given 2 hours from 10 o'clock to 12 o'clock to create a story out of a few themes or word nests. 

Rule no 2: you have to create a story strictly adhering to the theme or the word nest and anything other than that and the paper will be disqualified. 

Rule no 3: as soon as you receive your paper provided by us please write the pseudo-name of your college, event name, and participant number on it. Please do not write your or your college's name. If it's written you will be disqualified no questions asked. 

Rule no 4: decisions made by judges will be final till the end. Now, any query?"

A buff boy raises his hand-"Yes mister?"

"What about the devices miss?"

"The devices and your belongings should be kept outside of the classroom, and I assure you no one will take them away provided all your bags are zipped properly and you remember where you kept them. Also, we have CCTV in the corridors so it is safe to keep your things. Any other query?"

It was silent for a few minutes and then he took the initiative.


This is not his voice.

His voice was soft, meek, melodious.

But now, his voice is hard with a hint of softness, his voice is commanding, his voice demanding your attention.

Its hard to avoid his gaze when he is right in front of me.

i give a small nod to him and start to walk out of the room-

"Miss, when did you say the program will start? Actually I have to go home a bit early so..?"

I was not expecting this today or any other day for that matter.

But it might be an emergency, you never know.

"We will try to start and finish as soon as possible but you should keep in mind that everything depends on judges, so..."

The urgent guy kept nodding his head throughout.

"Miss will we be getting results today or is there a date for that?"

His voice!

God kill me...

"Results for the story writing will be declared today, there is no other round for it"

He gave a curt nod and looked down.

For all that u have said till now, he had kept his gaze locked on me.

I could feel it and I don't know why I want you bask under it.

But I can't help think....

Only if that never happened, we would still be friends today, we would still be secret pages for each other but can you write anything on a brittle page..?


Hello butterflies 🦋,
For all who were waiting for this long I'm sorry.

So much is happening in college, I don't have time to breath like literally. 😐

But here it is for you all.

I know I'm going very slow with plot but it's my first time of writing this.

So bear with me 🥺

I hope you liked this filler.🫣

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