
14 0 0

Is it better sometimes to not react?

Is it Okay to have hesitation when you are a witness of that tune of the song which breaks your heart and you will lose your believe over that relationship?

No one understood me better than he did. He knew me like the back of his hand, understood every expression of mine, understood every inner thoughts of mine, understood every talk of mine, he understood every action of mine. He understood me.

Everything I saw, everything I did, everything I said was justified.

I was harsh, I was rude, I turned deaf ears to his pleas.

But then why should I have listened to his side?

Or should I have heard him out?

Every coin has two sides.

So what he was with me, was it true or the one I saw was true?

I should ha-

"Varshi! it's late. Are you coming or want me to welcome you?"

"Coming ma"

I grab my backpack and run out of my room towards kitchen.

I can see my cousin staring at five hundred rupees kept on kitchen dining table.

"Ma, how many times I have to remind you to keep all the money in your purse or in your room?"

"Who will take it ammu? All are family isn't it?", replied my pa

I set my gaze at my cousin, Keerthan. He is my aunt's only son and my aunt is my father's sister. Her husband died due to heart attack ten years ago, when Keerthan was only five years old. Since then they are living with us. My aunt was never at piece with her in laws, it's either of them taunting each other because she was not the bride they selected for their son. It was a love marriage.

"I don't mean our family pa, but it's better to be safe right?"

Keerthan turns his eyes away.

I go and stand near my ma and back hug her.

"Morning ma", she gives a single nod.

"Go sit on table I'll serve you breakfast"

That's how ma wishes me, it either a hmm or a nod.

I sit myself at the table and finish off my breakfast, setting off to college.


"Varshi, I want you to take responsibility of the program that comes under our department. I want you to arrange the accommodation of the participants that will participate in this  fantasy world and Devil's advocate."

"Okay maam, I'll arrange everything before day after tomorrow"

"Also Varshi make sure all the required items like pens, notepads, result sheets are ready along with arranging the class according to the program requirements"

"Are allowing only five for Devil's advocate and one each for fantasy world  per college or should we increase the number of participants maam?"

"No, the same numbers are enough or else crowd management will be difficult. Also ask humanity department to return department projector thst they borrowed three weeks back"

"Okay maam", so saying I go to humanity's department.

The college have organised inter-college event where different departments will conduct different activities related to their course and that event is a week-long starting from day after tomorrow.

"Excuse me maam, Anita maam was asking for the department projector"

"What projector? We did not take anything if my memory serves right"

This lady is unbelievable. It was me who handed over the projector to her students with her and Anita maam being oresent at the time.

"Erm, maam the projector was borrowed by your department and you were present when I handed over the projector to your students almost three weeks back"

Her face turns sour slightly but it vanishes when I try to decipher it more.

"Erm... that... that is there in our lecture hall no. 6. Can you go and take it to your department?"

This bitch!

I know, I know she us a lecturer but this lady have always been like this. It almost feels like she us jealous that our department have more facilities than hers but then again they have enough lecture halls and we don't own one accept lab.

"Sorry maam, but I don't know the way to that hall. Can you ask your students to get it here and then I'll take it back?"

These lecturers and professors have too much politics going on. They don't like each other's department, have issues from each other's students over nothing, make each other's student work more and unnecessarily.

"OK fine. You wait here"

Now, she is my faculty though she does not teach us and it is our duty to respect her. Buy the way she replied was rude, I mean how do you expect someone to be calm?

But can you talk back? No, it will again cause a cold war which affects us students the most. Unnecessary scoldings, additional classes, additional assignments and what not.

And fun fact, I don't know this lecturer's name. What I know is she have worn blue satin saree, so now on I'll call her as blue. And now she have asked her student to get it.

I take the projector and go to my department where I keep it in it's place.

The whole day I spend by running here and there, going off on people who get on my nerves, loose my patience and cross my seniors.

By the time I reach home, I was beat.
Hello butterflies 🦋,
Hope all of you enjoyed the chapter.

This is how it is atleast for me and my classmates in college, like really.

What do you think about this?

Have you witnessed things like this in your college anytime?

Do vote and comment on the chapter.🗳

Love you 😍

Zalim DardWhere stories live. Discover now