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'Do you know newton's third law?'

What the fuck?

A message from unknown number and this is what they message?
Maybe a wrong number..? Should I block it?

I think it's better to block it. But what if it was genuine?

'I think you got the wrong number buddy. Check the number again.'

I can see that the person is online and have seen the reply and it has been twenty minutes since then.

Did the sender kept me on read?

Okay, whatever.

Maybe they realised it's wrong number and are too embarrassed to accept it.

I should probably complete my pending work.


"Varshi!!! Cone have dinner"


"Varshi, we have to attend an important function of your father's family side. Do you want to come?", ma said all this with a sour face.

"Nope. I'm happy with my life as it is ma. I don't want to spoil my mood for an entire week trying to socialize with them. And why are going, isn't pa and aunt enough to go. I mean it's their family"

"You can't ignore his family side always magga. Your father will be upset. And its not about liking them or not, it's about his happiness. I got no option other than attending it but for you I will not impose. Since you don't want to come, I'll make up some reason for it but inform your father about your decision"

"You both make my family sound like evil beings when clearly it's the two of you who can't adjust to them and can't take a notice on how they adjust to all your demands. Both of you are arrogant. I don't blame your daughter because she is following whatever you are doing but I don't even know what my brother saw in you athige. It was clear from day one that you didn't like any of us", said my aunt.

This is the most basic, and kind of normalized thing in India especially in it southern region.

We follow maternal system where the daughter of the family strictly follows the traditional and believes of her maternal side. Now this does not mean that she leaves her paternal side hanging but it's just that it's not on a dominant side to be followed.

And same goes with our families. This is one of the main reasons for me to not like my paternal family side and why my cousin gets more favoured there. Also they do not like my ma because she is the most outspoken person and they wanted someone to be weak and naive who can dance to their music blindly.

"Mami, you being born and raised in that family you so love won't know how they actually treat us. They literally don't treat your son and me the same like he gets whatever he asks for but when I ask the same thing they ask me to adjust. So it will be better if you don't speak about something that you have not felt or seen"

"Varshi that's enough. Finish your food and go do your work"

My aunt just glares at me hard. As if that is going to affect me.

And if she can't listen us talking bad about them, if they love her so much then why did she did not go to them after her husband's death?

Somewhere she knows what we say is right but her love and longing to them just dusts all her thoughts under the rug.

I finish my dinner and go to my room. I turn my focuse to college.

Okay, so according to the online registration so far we will be having almost ten teams of five members each for Devil's advocate and thirteen individuals for Fantasy world.

So for Devil's advocate we may need a big lecturing hall preferably or an auditorium and for Fantasy world I think a class room is enough.

I make a note of the same to ask maam for permission and also make a note on how much we may require refreshments and other important materials.

Next, I sit with my laptop on the bed to design a welcome Poster for the two competitions with rules and regulations written in the corner of the said posters.

Maam wanted the poster to look dangerous, mysterious and evil and that's the concept I try to follow.

I make almost three posters for each of the competition and call it a night.


I wake up all groggy and irritated listening yo my alarm going off continuously.

Oh how I wish I could smash the clock to the wall, but then my head would smashed by ma the next second.

Taking mister sloth's blessing I proceed to the temple of water and poop and come out all clean, refreshed and blessed for the day.

I have my breakfast and run off to college.
"Varshi, have you listed the requirements for the competition? The Organising committee have called for the meeting in the afternoon and we have to submit the list at the time"

"Yes Maam, the list is ready according to the number of participants in each competition with three extras of each item used"

"That's better. Make sure you come with me to the meeting, they will ask us to reduce certain items but then we have to convince them that it's a deary need"

"OK maam. The meeting is at two in LH-10?"

"Yes. And Varshi can you see if the seating arrangements are done?

"On it maam"

The whole day it's the same, run the whole campus as if my ass is on fire.

"Varshi, here is the list of colleges along with the name of participants participating in the competition. Keep a note on this and make sure you verify to on the time of competition, you never know a personal emergency may arise and the participants may send a substitute"

"Okay maam. I'll keep that in mind"

I want a break now. I'm working here as if it's my family event when there are others to share the work.

By the way, where are other volunteers?


Hello butterflies 🦋

Cliffhanger..? I know, but the chapter was going longer than I wanted so I made it into two different parts.🫣

Hope you like the chapter.🫠

Next up, our girl will be soon meeting with male lead.

What do you think will happen?🤔

And that text from anonymous number?😱

Please vote and comment 😊

Zalim DardDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora