Chapter 3

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"No, wait!"

I found Kim Dokja at the roof top currently sitting at the edge of the building.

Does he plan to die again? I suddenly felt my feet running towards him.

"What the hell are you doing you idiot?"

I grabbed his waist as hard as I could. He suddenly shouted at me. He sounds like annoyed.

"Hey! Let go of me! What are you doing?"

"Uh, aren't you planning to die again?"

"What are you talking about? Hell no!"

It turns out, Kim Dokja just want a chill time.

"Seriously, in a place like this?"

"It's kinda breezy."


We suddenly went silent for a while.
A minute passed by when Kim Dokja started to open his mouth.

"I heard the story from our companions."

"What story?"

"That you are the one who noticed my Avatar first."

"Yeah I remember. Who wouldn't?"


"You promised to read my novel when the scenario ends."


"And the Avatar you've made can't even remember his favorite crap novel that he eagerly read for years."

"Can't get fooled, huh?"

"You know what, if you could just put your memory of me in that Avatar, I prolly won't notice."

It would be true. I will live my whole life without knowing that the Kim Dokja with us isn't 100% complete. It will be a happy ending for the rest of the company.

But that won't be a happy ending for me.

I know it is kinda selfish but, even if it's 1%, I will still come to rescue that 1% Kim Dokja.

I took a piece of paper from my pocket and handed it to him.

"Take this."

"I thought scenarios are over already?"


"How nostalgic."

The content of the paper tells Kim Dokja to spend 1 day of his time for each of the party members. The calendar is organized based on what date are the party members available.

"Everyone's busy with their life now."

He seems happy but there also a tone of sadness in his voice.

"Han Sooyung...Are you married?"


Kim Dokja X Han Sooyoung ORV FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now