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Seokjin sat down beside him
He held his hand and squeeze it gently.

"How do you feel, baby?"
Jungkook bites his lips-
The way he always calls him "baby" could melt him, he could feel he was blushing-
He hate it! That was too feminine.

"I hate you!"
He muttered.. and why this man always had that smirk-
That's making him look more seductively handsome!

"So why do you want to marry someone you hate?"
Seokjin kept on rubbing his thumb on  every veins of his hand. His massaging the points in there like an acupuncture , it helps him relieved the pains all over his body..

"I just hate how you do it in bed-
But I really like you! I actually never believed in love..
But you make me believe in ahmm..
It's what they called it..
Ahmm Love at first sight yeah-
I think"

Jungkook tried to pushed him self to get up but the fucking sting of pain coming from his ass!
" Aaaahhh!! It's so painful! "

Seokjin quickly held him in the waist on support him on the shoulder..

" Hey! I already prepared a steam bath for you, come I'll bring you to the bath tub "
The older held him like a bride firmly before carrying him up-

" Fuck! You're heavy!"
"Hey it's okay-"
"Shhhh! Stay still"
They walk to the bath room, Seokjin slowly put him to the couch inside the huge bath room and taken out his sleep wear, before carrying him again to lay him down the bath tub carefully..

"There you go!.. that's a little work out for me whoah!"
Jungkook's weight is no joke but of course Seokjin can carry as much as 70lbs single handedly in his military training, not including the things he wears in a combat suit -

"I think you're weighing more than 150lbs, right?.. anyway I can carry anything up to 200lbs in the army"

Jungkook eyes go round in what he heard-
He's been to army as well, and he too can carry that amount of weight but Seokjin doesn't look that strong although his built is really good , he seen them last night.. his muscular body hidden in those long sleeve shirt-

"You don't look like one"
Jungkook said .. Seokjin sat on the tiles of the bath tub and watch him play those bubbles..

" You just seen that hidden side of me, baby.. don't you think it was a privilege?"

Again Seokjin run his hands on the veins of his arms..

Jungkook bites his lips again
Why the fuck those simple touches seemed too romantic for him ? He can't help not to notice how Seokjin's hand running on his skin everytime.. it brings some electric current all over his body!

"You're marrying a Mafia Boss-
That is the real privilege honey"

"Boss, You're dimple is illegal ! "
He heard Seokjin instead
It's too shameful that he can't even hide his dimples , he felt shy but his ego-

His damn ego!

"Everything about me is illegal Hyung, you should know that"
He pulled the older in a sloppy kiss-
The fact that he can't even stop himself..

"I thought your sore?- ummm.."
Jin tried asking but Jk gripping his biceps and the other hand pulling him on the back..
The younger deepen the kiss ..

"So what?.. we can do this all day.. make me sore as much as you want"
He muttered out of breath..
Jin stared at him while kissing..
"Pervert !"
"I am!"
"Well, let me see.."
Jin pushed him down before pulling his towel off.
He goes down joining Jk inside the bath tub..


"What's this ?"
Jin put a note down the table..

" That was a written terms and conditions about our wedding, baby"

Jungkook's brows curled
"what about this? "
" This is a force marriage. Even though I'm not in the position to gave my conditions as well as my opinion about this damn marriage-
I still want you to know that you cannot over power me.. I don't care if your the Boss or the Lord here -
But you have to respect me as the other person involve in this marriage. Please know that marriage had always been solemn for me"
Jk open the note and read each line carefully..

" This is crazy! "

" 1.. I will always be the top"

" You have the nerves to write this-"

" 2.. Let my Mom go"

"She doesn't have to be freed ! We didn't -"

" 3.. let Yoongi go"

Jungkook shoot him a glare! -

" 4.. no third party's"

"That will never happen"

"5.. I'm a Surgeon, and I will always be a Surgeon.. let me do my job peacefully "

" That's too much! -"

" 6.. you're not using your Bossy ass against me"

" This is bullshit! -"

" 7.. our wedding is gonna be legal in any terms"

" What do you mean? "

" That our marriage will give me the right in every property and power you have -
And owned"

Jungkook's mouth hanged open..
He thrown down the notebook.
Putting his hand over his waist before closing his eye and giving out a deep breath..

Meanwhile Jin Relaxedly sitting down with his legs crossed while staring at his red faced fiance' ..
When Jungkook opens his eyes, there's the sight of Seokjin smiling at him teasingly and confidence rising all over his handsome face-

"Be thankful I'm in love with you Seokjin!.."
He said in Busan deep tone-

"I know! You won the price tho!..
Marrying a guy as handsome as me was a privilege anyone could have baby"

The confidence Seokjin was showing him is a bit awesome! Jungkook couldn't believe it he found a match!

" Your confidence is overwhelming Honey.! -
I like it !"

"I know-
You won't fall in love with me if I'm not like that.. anyway, I want to see Yoongi is safe and please sign this note and I will send it to my secretary for safety precautions.. you know- I'm marrying a Mafia Boss not just any other guy out there"

Jungkook smirk and shakes his head-

" Are you always like this? "

" Yeah! You should know! "
Seokjin smiled and pulled Jungkook all of a sudden-
The other stumbled on the couch -
Before he knows it..

Seokjin locking their lips and the younger's hands are pinned up..

" You're mine ! "

It's already 3:38 am..
Mistakes should be fixed later🥱.. need to sleep🥱🥱🥱..


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