
We were flying down the street and turning on the highway before I could even really protest, not that I would've anyways. Meeting families was usually my least favorite thing in the world, but a family like V's intrigued me with the satisfaction of wanting to know them more then what I already know.

"After what happened last night, I think it's time." V explained clearly, but I had no idea what his family could possibly have to do with last night. Including his older brother Jungkook, who is one cold hearted son of a bitch.

Staring at V for a while of how smooth his skin probably is, his side profile is breathtaking. He than takes a quick look at me and focuses back on the road. "What's wrong? Something on my face?" Turning myself more towards the car door and look out the window.

"No no, just, thinking." Oh dear lord Tatianna, get your shit straight. Not only meeting families, my anxiety and the nerves are getting to me. Thinking about it, a short memory comes to my mind as it saddens me. Family was my number one priority in life, but thanks to my step father it was the worse childhood of my life.

{"You son of a bitch! Tatianna get your ass over here!" My step dad barks out to me while laying in bed, terrified and not wanting to move. I have no choice but to move my already bruised up limped body closer to a grizzly bear.

Dragging my feet towards my opened door to my bedroom, I peak out and see him with a belt in his hand. No reaction I make, I'm already use to this and that's not okay. "Tatianna. Come. Here."

He demands me and do as he says or else I get the chop across my face with his bare hands.

Slowly approaching him as the hallway to our  apartment is small. I try not to limp as that makes him more angry due to not being able to take the harsh treatment we receive from him.  He stands tall and strong when I stop right in front of him.

The dark brown eyes glint at me with hatred and not guilty of what he does to me, my brother, and my mother. Pleading with my eyes to please not to hurt me again for the rest of the day, to please start life all over and go back to his old self.

The devil in him took over and here we are. "Why didn't you clean the dishes?" I tried to take a peak to the kitchen to see if there were any dishes, he had other plans. He saw what I was doing and bends over as I wince in pain as he grips my chin harshly and moves it back to him.

Coming closer to my face, I try to back away but it was no use. He is stronger then my sore limp body. Tears beginning to fill my eyes, "Now don't you dare start crying! Why didn't you clean the dishes?"

Answering him quickly so I won't deserve a beating. "Cause you said momma will do it." My voice was calm but it came out as if I was being choked to death. He lets go of me and  scream again as I feel the belt slap against the side of my stomach.

Placing a hand on my left side where he hit me, "Liar, I said it was your mom's day, but since she had to work today YOU had to do it!" Looking up to him, wanting to talk back but knowing the consequences to that will make it much far more worse.

"Get your ass back to your room before I want to hurt you more." On my end I hurriedly walk away from him and head back to my room. My breathing was unsteady as I just ran a marathon and didn't stop at all.

Jumping back into bed as I pull the covers over me and turn to face the wall is all I could do. Starring and let the sting pain effect me more as a tear drop then falls from my eye sideways instead down my cheek.

"Momma please come home."}

"Tatianna." V's smooth deep voice breaks me out from looking like a zombie and turn my head to him, "Yes, I'm sorry." V signs, " I want you to meet them, but you can't act like this. You have to act completely oblivious." His tone was light but he was being firm.

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