chapter 1 - Lazarus Rising

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(Song:) You Shook Me All Night Long - AC/DC

From 3.01 "The Magnificent Seven", outside Isaac and Tamara's House, Sam Winchester, Ness Singer, Catty Winchester, Dean Winchester, and Bobby Singer watched a mass funeral pyre burn.

From 3.01 "The Magnificent Seven", in the family's house, Sam, Dean and Catty walked in, guns raised.

From 3.16 "No Rest for the Wicked", in the Singer House's Basement, Catty punched Ruby the Demon in the face.

From 3.09 "Malleus Maleficarum", in the road, Ruby stood in the middle of the road in front of the Impala, arms crossed over her chest.

Catty aimed the Colt at Ruby. "So, this is Ruby, huh?"

From 3.09 "Malleus Maleficarum", in the van Allen House, Ruby looked at the Winchesters, letting her eyes turn black.

Catty: (voice over from 3.09 Malleus Maleficarum) "She's a Demon, Sam."

From 3.12 "Jus in Bello", in the police station, Lilith the Demon let her eyes turn completely white.

Ruby: (voice over from 3.12 Jus in Bello) "Her name is Lilith."

Lilith raised her hand, making a beautiful, blindingly bright white light fill the entire room.

From 3.09 "Malleus Maleficarum", in the van Allen House, Tammi the Demon looked at Sam. "Doesn't like you very much."

From 2.22 "All Breaks Loose: Part 2", in the Singer Salvage Yard, Dean looked at Catty. "How long did they give you?"

"One year," Catty answered.

From 3.12 "Jus in Bello", in the police station:  A Demon grabbed Catty from behind, restraining her. Another ran toward her. Catty kicked the one in front of her in the face, making him fall to the floor, taking her gun, ramming it into the one who was restraining her's gut, making him let go, turning to face him, hitting him in the face with the gun repeatedly, making him fall to the floor. A male Demon tried to punch Ness in the face. Ness ducked, making him punch the glass window next to her head instead, making it shatter. The Demon tried to punch Ness. Ness ducked to the side, making him punch the wall behind her instead, making the wall crumble. The Demon turned to face Ness. Ness used her shotgun to hit him in the head,  making him fall to the floor.

AC/DC: "She was a fast machine / She kept her motor clean / She was the best damn woman that I ever seen."

From 3.01 "The Magnificent Seven", in the bathroom, Dean pushed Lust the Demon's head into the bathtub full of Holy Water.

From 3.04 "Sin City", in Casey's place's basement, Sam shot Evan the Demon with the Colt, killing him.

From 3.02 "The Kids Are Alright", in the house under construction's basement, there were flashes of Dean fighting with the Mother Changeling. Sam aimed his blow torch at her, making her burn alive and scream in agony as she died.

From 3.12 "Jus in Bello", in the police station, Demons ran toward Ness. Ness spun to face them, shooting them in the chest.

From 3.06 "Red Sky at Morning", in the cemetery, the Ghost of the sailor lunged at his brother's Spirit, disappearing into water, making his brother disappear with him.

From 3.12 "Jus in Bello", in the police station, All of the Demon smoke was leaving all of the hosts, making them scream in unison, all of the bodies falling to the floor.

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