chapter 13 - After School Special

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From 1.01 "Pilot", in Sam's Apartment's hallway, Sam looked at Catty and Dean. "When I told Dad I was scared of the thing in my closet, he gave me a .45."

"What was he supposed to do?" Dean asked.

"I was nine years old," Sam told them.

From 3.12 "Jus in Bello", in the police station, A Demon grabbed Catty from behind, restraining her. Another ran toward her. Catty kicked the one in front of her in the face, making him fall to the floor, taking her shotgun, ramming it into the one who was restraining her's gut, making him let go, turning to face him, hitting him in the face with the gun repeatedly, making him fall to the floor.

From 1.20 "Dead Man's Blood", there were flashes of the unseen man making the Colt and its bullets.

Sam: (voice over from 1.01 Pilot) "The weapon training and melting the silver into bullets?"

From 1.01 "Pilot", in parking lot, Sam, Dean and Catty walked toward the Impala.

"I mean, guys, we were raised like warriors," Sam told them.

From 1.18 "Something Wicked", in the flashback's motel room, John Winchester looked at Young Sam and Young Dean. "Lock the doors and windows, close the shades. And most important?"

Young Sam and Young Dean spoke together. "Watch out for Catty."

Young Sam and Young Dean looked toward where Young Catty was watching cartoons. Young Catty watched the cartoon, smiling. After a moment, she laughed.

From 1.18 "Something Wicked", in the joined part of the motel room, The Shtriga knelt next to Young Catty's sleeping form, hissing, its mouth glowing white as it inhaled deeply. Young Dean aimed a shotgun at the Shtriga. Young Sam backed away. The Shtriga noticed them, looking at them, growling.

From 1.11 "Scarecrow", in the Impala, Sam looked at Dean. "I don't understand the blind faith you have in the man. I mean, Dean, it's like you don't even question him. The only one that does but doesn't do anything about it is Catty."

"I don't do anything about it because I don't want to get all of us killed," Catty told him.

"It's called being good kids," Dean told him.

Catty gave Dean a look.

From 3.08 "A Very Supernatural Christmas", in the flashback's motel room, Young Catty looked at Young Dean and Young Sam. "Dad's gonna be here, right?"

Young Dean nodded. "He'll be here."

"Where is he, anyway?" Young Catty asked.

"On business," Young Dean answered.

From 1.18 "Something Wicked", in the motel room, the Shtriga straddled Catty to the floor, gripping her throat to keep her pinned down, opening its glowing-white mouth, inhaling. A white essence left Catty's lips, passing into his. It looked up, still feeding. Dean and Sam shot into the Shtriga's head and chest, making it fall to the floor.

From 1.17 "Hell House", in the house, Mordechai Murdoch swung his ax at Catty. Catty ducked, making the ax wedge itself into the wall. Mordechai tore it out, swinging it at her. Catty caught the ax, pushing him away from the boys.

From 1.01 "Pilot", in the apartment's parking lot, Catty looked at Sam. "And that's why you ran away."

"I was just going to college," Sam told them. "It was Dad who said if I was gonna go, I should stay gone."

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