"I know you know what it is." Draco whispered, "And I need you to tell me."

Sirius snorted, a defeated grin in his face, "And why should I tell you? You aren't exactly known for your generosity and it was hidden away for a reason."

Sirius saw every muscle in the blonde's body tense and twitch. He only had a spot second before the younger alpha was in front of him, gun placed at his jugular.

"Because I need to protect him!!"

Sirius felt his own alpha rise within him as Draco's rose to the surface. It was intimidating how strong of an alpha Draco was, his scent was absolutely oppressive. Sirius had heard stories of Draco's ruthlessness and his even more shady upbringing but seeing it in person was a different story.

"Because Riddle has every one of his men crawling the streets of London trying to find my omega." Draco snarled, "And it will be a bloody cold day in hell before I let that bastard lay a finger on him so you tell me what you know or so help me, I will kill you where you stand. Kapeesh?"

Sirius swallowed, resolve breaking, "Fine, I'll tell you what I know. But Harry also needs to hear this."


Harry did not think he would be getting to see Sirius today, or any other day, but it seemed since meeting Draco anything was possible. Remus looked worried the entire ride to their home, which had Harry slightly worried. The beta thought he was doing a good job of hiding how anxious he was but the omega could tell he was ready to vibrate out of his skin.

Remus was the first out of the car and to the door, Harry was more cautious, after all he hadn't seen or heard from Sirius in YEARS. And the first time he is seeing him in so long wasn't the hopeful cuddly reunion he hoped it would be.

Remus shot him a warm assuring smile that made him feel a little better. Taking in a deep breath, he followed the man through the door and into the house.

Harry had to admit, it was everything he imagined it would be like. He didn't really have the time to take it in because they were suddenly in the living room and there was Draco in all his blonde majestic glory and sitting quietly behind him was Sirius.

Harry felt his heart leap into his throat. Sirius hadn't really changed. His hair was still a shaggy mess and he still had tattoos littering his skin. Maybe he looked a little older and of course he wasn't decked head to toe in leather but it was still him.

Sirius seemed equally stunned.

He stood up silently, his arms limp at his sides as he slowly walked towards his godson.

"Harry?" He said cautiously.

Harry nodded vigorously, his vidom blurred with tears. That was all the confirmation Sirius needed before enveloping his godson in a warm hug. Harry held unto the older man, burying his nose in his neck as he let out the tears that were singing his eyes. Sirius didn't seem to be faring any better if his soaked hair was anything to go by.

Draco was not going to interrupt them, no matter how much he wanted to. His omega and even his cousin needed it and he was not going to deprive them of the closeness that had been taken unjustly from them so instead he opted to leave the room.

Remus followed the blonde with his eyes as he stalked out. The beta has already had his time with Harry anyway.

He found Draco in the foyer. Remus has never had an actual conversation with the man that had saved Harry's life. Draco seemed like he was ten seconds away from a mental crisis. As much as Remus has his reservations about the Malfoy, he was important to Harry and he was still so young. So he hyped himself up mentally and went up to the younger man.

"Is there any way I can help you." Remus said.

Draco sighed heavily, his shoulders sagging with some kind of unidentifiable weight. He suddenly looked much older than he was.

"I need to know why Riddle is after Harry." Draco whispered, running a hand through his hair.

Remus tensed, something that was not missed by the alpha. The blonde perked up, brows quirked, "You know something."

Remus sighed, "it's a long story." He steeled himself and looked the alpha in the eye, "The only reason I'm telling you is because I know Sirius and I can't protect Harry, not from Riddle at least."

21st August, 1980

Remus had seen Sirius the entire day. He had a jittery feeling constantly buzzing at the back of his mind. He got up from the couch and stared at the clock once again. He had been doing that way too often these recent months. Ever since Riddle had tried to take control of the Sacred twenty-eight, there had been non_stop attacks. Sirius had been pulling all the resources he could ever since he joined the Order.

Remus did not mind. He knew Sirius and James were only trying to protect their families but he was tired. He was tired of constantly being on the run, of moving from safehouse to safehouse because Riddle just would not stop. And most of all, he was tired of waiting with his heart in his throat every time Sirius left his sight because he didn't know if he would come back alive.

When Sirius stumbled through the door, rush felt the knot in his throat go down. Relieved, he rushed at his mate and enveloped him in a warm hug. Sirius returned it with the same ferocity, a giggle on his lips.

Remus pulled away for a bit in order to assess the man properly. He took Sirius face in his hands, turning it this way and that. Sirius only smiled letting the beta do his thing. After a while, Sirius took his hands in his, smiling softly.

"Remus, baby, I have something to tell you." Sirius whispered giddily.

Remus tilted his head. He did notice Sirius was in a better mood than he had been in months. Sirius excitedly led the beta to the couch and sat him down. Remus sighed and relaxed, "Okay???"

Sirius smiled placing his hands in front of his face, "we found it."

Remus sighed, Sirius had the tendency to become near illegible when he got excited. The beta smiled and nodded, "okay you found what?"

Sirius kneeled down in front of the man, "We found the deathly hallows."

And that's it!

Okay before you attack me, I tried okay. But I tend to get distracted easily. This chapter was supposed to be wayyyyy longer. Like bordering on 4000 words but I decided to seperate it because I couldn't handle it😭😭😭.

Anyway how have you been? This author is fairing well!!! Don't forget to vote and comment.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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