A View To Kill Part Two

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Some time later, Elena goes to open the door, but it was Kol and Kiara.

"We have considered your request for a truce. Request denied." Kol spoke.

After hearing his words, the doppelgänger quickly shut the door.

"I'm sorry. I've already been invited in!" Kol shouted as he swiftly kicked the door open.

Kiara grinned and they first bumped.

The duo reentered the house. Jeremy and Elena were no where to be find.

"Hide and seek? Fine by me." Kol said.

They began walking around the house.

The two wandered into the kitchen.

Suddenly, Elena sped at Kol with a sharp knife. She slammed him against the counter and stabbed it into his stomach. Kiara shoved Elena back.

Jeremy used a crossbow to shoot an arrow at Kol's legs. When the original bent down to tear it out, Jeremy rushed toward the sink. He threw water at Kol and the original screamed out.

Kiara quickly used a spell to paralyze Jeremy to the floor, blocking his movements "Corporis impetus."

Meanwhile, Elena swiftly grabbed the white oak stake from Kol's pocket. She tried to go to Jeremy but was pushed backwards. Elena pushed Kiara causing the hybrid girl's spell to stop and Elena stopped the stake to Jeremy. Jeremy grabbed it and stabs Kol through the heart with it. However, nothing happened. Kol laughed.

"How?" Jeremy asked.

"I'm the original tribrid. The first tribrid in existence. The white oak tree cannot kill me. But another thing can. You'll understand why I won't tell you which one." Kol explained.

Suddenly, Klaus and Elijah standing at the open doorway.

"What the hell is going on?" Elijah asked.

"We didn't have a choice." Elena said.

"Lies. You tried to kill my brother so Jeremy's mark would be completed." Elijah scoffed.

"I'm going to burn this house to the ground. And then, when you try to flee for your lives, I'll kill you both without blinking." Klaus sighed in frustration to the Gilberts.

"You kill us, you'll never get to the cure. You'll never be able to make any more hybrids." Jeremy pointed out.

"He doesn't care about them anymore. He has his family at his side and that is all he need. Like Klaus said, we will kill you without blinking." Elijah said.

The two Mikaelson fall to their knees holding their heads in pain.

"Invite them in. Do it!" Bonnie said.

"Come in." Jeremy says.

" Living room. Go!" Bonnie yelled.

Elena and Jeremy run through the living room and into the kitchen. Klaus and Elijah followed, but they can't get into the kitchen. Klaus punched at the air, but there was an invisible barrier but the barrier disappeared when Marie walked into the house.

"Hello, there."Marie smirked.

"I'm stronger than you. You don't know what I can do." Bonnie says smugly.

"No, you are not. What you are is an arrogant witch bitch who need to be put back in her place and to be taught a lesson. And you forget I'm part goddess and I was made goddess of magic! So my magic will always be stronger than yours!" Marie scoffed.

She raised her hand throwing Bonnie, Elena and Jeremy into the living room, they looked around as a barrier is keeping them in the living room.

"What did you do?" Bonnie asked.

Kol and Kiara walked closer.

"Call this a timeout, Elena, Jeremy, Bonnie. It's time, you think about what you've done."Marie says.

Jeremy then started to screamed.

"Jeremy?!" Elena exclaimed.

Jeremy stopped screaming as he says "The Mark. It is completed."

"We casted a spell earlier. To complete the mark. So you wouldn't go after Kol anymore."Marie explained.

Kiara chanted the cursing spell on Bonnie "Maledictum!"

Bonnie gasped "What did you do?"

"I cursed you just like I did with the Gilbert and the Salvatore's bloodlines and Tyler. Have fun trying to wash it away. It can't be undone."Kiara smirked.

Kiara, Marie, Elijah, Kol and Klaus left the house.

Later on, Bonnie couldn't wash the curse away. She tried so many hours but couldn't do since the cursing spell was so powerful that only Levesque witches could undone it. So after hours of trying she gave up.

The Gilberts and the Bennett witch were now at the Salvatore boarding house with the Salvatore brothers.

"So Marie used a spell to complete Jeremy completed his mark?" Damon asked.

"I don't think it was only her. She must casted it with Annabeth."Bonnie told him.

"And the white oak stake cannot kill Kol?" Stefan asked.

"Yes." Elena answered.

"So nothing can kill him?" Damon groaned.

"He said something could but he didn't say what could kill him."Elena told him. 

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