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The next day, Kiara had skipped school, and was currently at home, sitting on the couch. The curly haired beauty heard her phone ring. Without looking at the device, she answered "Hello?"

Kiara was wearing a top with a jacket, a jean and some boots.

Kiara was wearing a top with a jacket, a jean and some boots

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"Hi, Kiara. You should stop by cheer practice. You'll get to see me upstage all of these girls."The female original spoke on the other line. Kiara could practically hear her smirk.

"You're becoming a cheerleader?"Kiara smiled in amusement.

Rebekah replied "I thought it would be fun."

"Okay. I'm on my way, Bex."Kiara told her.

After hanging up, Kiara walked out the door. Jumping her car, she drove to the High school.

When she arrived at the field, she approached Rebekah and asked "So, what made you decide to join the cheer squad?"

The blonde shrugged as she continued stretching the field "Why not?"

Looking back up at the hybrid girl, she questioned "Why weren't you at school today?"

"I'm like super smart, I can skip school."The daughter of Hades told her.

Rebekah nodded and said sadly "My brothers left me."

"I heard about that. Which is why I wanted to ask if you would like to stay with me and my family?"Kiara said gently.

"You'd let me stay with you?"Rebekah asked.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind having you around and my parents won't care. Plus my house got like so many rooms. Plus, it'll be nice to have some girl around besides my mom."Kiara says, nodding.

The blonde threw her arms around Kiara, causing them both to fall back into the grass. The gold eyed girl retured the hug as she laughed.

"Thank you."Rebekah said softly.

"No problem, Bex."Kiara responded. The two girls stood back up.

The blonde looked back at her friend and asked "Are you going to the bonfire tonight?"

"Can't. I have to go to Will, Nico and Jason's ceremony since they are becoming immortals demigods. So I have to go to Olympus."Kiara told her.

"Too bad."Rebekah said.

She then smiled at the hybrid girl and sent her a wink "Watch this."

Kiara watched as Rebekah took a running start, before doing a series of effortless flips and cartwheels. She ended her precise movements with a split.

When the original walked back over to the group of girls, Kiara gave her a side hug.

"Good job, Bex."The hybrid girl said with a grin. The Original immediately returned it.

After Rebekah brought her belonging to the loft, the two were talking until Nico walked in.

"You look beautiful, Bekah."Nico complimented.

"Thank you, Nico."Rebekah blushed.

"I can see the sex tension in the air. So I'm gonna let you two alone."Kiara smirked smirked as she walked away from the room and head upstairs in her room to get ready.

Blood Of Olympus The Vampire Diaries (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now