We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes Part Two

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At the Mystic Grill, Klaus sat at the small table beside the dart board as he watched Kiara squeal, the Levesque girl turning around with a beaming grin on her lips as she faced him.

"I win again. What's my prize?" Kiara smirked.

"Technically sweetheart, you didn't win..." Klaus trailed.

Kiara raised her eyebrows, staring at him challengingly.

"Drink?" The hybrid offered sheepishly.

"No, thanks." Kiara says, shaking her head.

Klaus nodded, downing his own glass before wrapping his arm around her waist, pulling her between his legs.

Kiara's lip upturned as she watched his eyes dart over her fave as if he was trying to remember all the features. Her eyes, nose, lips, she noticed he did this a lot. He'd just sit and stare at her, it worried her slightly because she never knew what he was thinking, she couldn't read him. She didn't know if the thoughts that clouded his mind were good or bad. Obviously, she had hoped for good but unfortunately you could never tell with Klaus.

She sighed as his free hand ran over her knuckles, his eyes fell onto her neck, at the crystal necklace around her neck that she could siphon magic from. It was a gift from her blessed mother Hecate. Klaus smiled at her. And he thought the necklace was incredibly hot.

Kiara's brows furrowed as he looked back up at her, she opened her mouth to question his strange mood but was silenced with a kiss. Kiara let out a noise of surprise but nether less kissed him back. Her arms slipping from his grip and over the back of his neck. Klaus deepening the kiss as his tongue her mouth, tightly, gripping her hips. She then started to kiss him and responded to the kiss.

"Ew." They heard Caroline's voice said.

Kiara rolled her eyes as she turned to face Caroline.

"Was that necessary? I don't interrupt you and Lockwood." Kiara asked.

"Because me and Tyler don't do it on in public!" Caroline stated.

"That's a bit melodramatic, Caroline. And we're not friends, so what is it that you want?"Kiara said as she leant into Klaus.

Caroline pursed her lips as she shrugged her jacket off, taking the spare seat by the table as she leant forward on her forearms, saying "So, Stefan called me and apparently Damon and Tyler, you know... the Elena protection squad you hate so much, are trying to free her from Klaus freaky dungeon thing."

"Fuck."Kiara groaned.

"Yes, here you are. And we are so delighted by your company, Caroline." Klaus grimaced, a sarcastic smile on his lips as he raised his glass.

Caroline rolled her eyes, saying "Kiara, your boyfriend's an ass."

"And yours isn't? He did tried to rape me and I am pretty sure that he tried to rape Matt's dead sister once. At least my boyfriend is not a rapist. Unlike yours."Kiara replied.

Caroline stared down at her phone as it buzzed against the table, she put her drink down and diverted her eyes as she read the message she received from Stefan.

Caroline stared down at her phone as it buzzed against the table, she put her drink down and diverted her eyes as she read the message she received from Stefan.

The message said: "I lost Elena. I need a vampire to kill. I'll turn someone if I have to. Get an answer, fast.

"He lost her." Caroline scoffed in disbelief.

"What?"Kiara frowned.

"Stefan lost Elena." Caroline told her.

"So much for your hybrids."Kiara mumbled, looking up at Klaus.

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