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Rebekah took Caroline's phone and called Tyler with it.

Tyler on the other line answered, saying "I told you, I don't wanna talk."

Rebekah smirked as she, Kiara and Annabeth shared a look before Rebekah says " I heard, and you're keeping all that rage bottled up inside. Caroline's worried sick about you."

"Rebekah?" Tyler frowned.

"Hello, Tyler. I heard my brother made a real mess of your life. Believe me, I can relate. You have my condolences. In fact, why don't you come down to the high school so you can accept them in person?" Rebekah told him.

"And why would I do that?" Tyler questioned in annoyance.

"Because if you don't Tyler, I will kill your beloved Caroline. So if you don't want this to happen, you better come to the school. Tick tock, Tyler."Kiara said on the phone.

Rebekah hang up the phone.

"Oh, Kiara, you evil little thing!" A familiar voice in amusement said, poking his head into the room.

"Kol. Did you bring him?"Kiara smiled.

"For you? Always." Kol smiled cheekily, showing Shane into the library before dragging the professor with him over to Annabeth. Wrapping his free arm around her neck he pulled her into a hug, Shane awkwardly stood beside the two. Kol pulled away, swiftly pressing a kiss toward her lips which Annabeth responded to.

"Can you not do this in front of us?"Kiara groaned.

The two pulled away.

"You must be Shane." Rebekah smiled, staring at the professor down before nodding toward her brother who pushed Shane back out of the room. Kiara, Annabeth and Rebekah following after him.

"Kol and Rebekah Mikaelson...two members of the Original vampire family. And Annabeth Chase, the daughter of Athena and Kiara Levessque, the daughter of Hades and two of the heroes of Olympus. This is such a trip." Shane berthed out in amazement.

"No... really?" Annabeth says sarcastically, placing a hand on her heart, her mouth agape in false shock.

" Where's the cure?" Rebekah asked as she stepped forward to compel him.

"Compulsion won't work. It's a little trick I picked up in Tibet." Shane revealed.

"Right. Well, we'll just have to do this the old-fashioned way. Beat him until he tells you where to find it." Rebekah smirked before she walked away.

"I knew you were more than just a pretty face." Kol told his mate as he watched Annabeth turn off the tap, looking down the sink that was full to the brim with water.

"Why thank you, darling." Annabeth said as she and Kol smirked before Kiara turned to the professor.

Kiara then tried to used her mist abilities on the professor but it wasn't working.

"Mist abilities doesn't work on me. A trick I learned in Tibet as well."Shane smirked.

With a large smile, Kol grabbed the back of Shane's neck before shoving his head into the sink, holding him down for several seconds.

"You're different." Kol then commented as he glanced down at Kiara, his head tilted in thought.

"What do you mean?"Kiara asked.

"You look different." Kol concluded.

"Do I?"Kiara frowned.

"Still badass as ever, but there's something different about you." Kol grinned before pulling Shane's head from the water.

Blood Of Olympus The Vampire Diaries (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now