Catch Me If You Can

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Kiara and Klaus went to the Mikaelson Mansion afterwards. They walked into the living room where Kiara laid on the couch in front of the fireplace. She turned the page of one of the her the Levesque family's journals.

"Klaus, I still think finding that stupid cure is a bad idea." Kiara mumbled.

"He's just a fairytale. " Klaus insisted.

"Maybe he isn't. People always thought gods, demigods, witches, werewolves and vampires were not real but here we are. Maybe Silas is too." Kiara said as she sat up from the couch and Klaus turned his attention to the doorway of the living room where Elena stood.

"I need your help." Elena exhaled.

"A bit ironic, you coming to me for help. Weren't your friends just trying to bury me in a cement tomb and take me away from my beloved?" Klaus smirked as he sat next to Kiara with Elena sat across from the couple.

"This is your fault. You started this when you forced Jeremy to kill those vampires." Elena scowled.

"And now my little brat of twin brother has gone and made things worse. Well, he never did like Damon. I suppose I should do something, shouldn't I?" Klaus said.

 I suppose I should do something, shouldn't I?" Klaus said

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"Call him off, Klaus." Elena demanded.

"You are in no position to make demands, Elena. Sure, you do good being human. Klaus needs your blood and you'll be so easy to kill, but we could also destroy it. And you won't be able to use it against him or Kol."Kiara scoffed.

"Whatever our differences, we want the same thing. Please, Klaus, I'm begging you." Elena begged Klaus.

"Well, that's a change."Kiara smirked as she glanced at Klaus.

He smiled then rolled his eyes before taking out his phone to call Klaus"Brother. I'm told you've already gone and made a mess."

"Come on, Nik. I was only having some fun." Kol said on the other line.

"Those vampires were for my hunter." Klaus told him.

"I'll make some more. There's no shortage of people." Kol said.

"Where's Damon Salvatore?" Klaus asked.

"I gave him a good and proper beating just for old time's sake." Kol said.

"Yes. Well, you've had your fun. Now let him go and come home. Avoid any more trouble, or I'll find a way to torture you. Twin brother or not." Klaus threatened.

"Hey. No need to be nasty about it." Kol told him.

"On the contrary, I find nastiness to be essential whenever my siblings try to sabotage me. Listen closely, Kol. Stay away from the Gilbert boy. You understand?" Klaus told his brothers.

"Fine, I won't touch him. You have my word." Kol sighed as he hang up.

"Thank you." Elena said before leaving.

"Are you okay?" Klaus asked Kiara.

"Yeah. I had a dream a few days ago. Of someone. Alabaster. You know the son of Hecate who's the one who brought your mom back when Nic turned her into a ghost and... I'm just worried."Kiara admitted.

"I wish I could tell you things to make it better." Klaus says.

"Well you can help by make me feel better."Kiara suggested as she slid over his lap, straddling him on the couch. Her smile grew as Klaus placed his hands over her hips. She placed her arms over Klaus shoulders as she brought herself closer to him.

"I love the way you think, Miss Levesque."Klaus smirked.

Kiara smiled before planting her lips over his. Their lips moved in sync as Kiara's hands trailed down to the hem of Klaus shirt. She tugged on the shirt before she pulled it off him.

She grinned against the hybrid's lips as his fingers began to dig a little into her hips. He was starting to lose control. As a distraction, he ripped her top off of her, having only in her pants and bra.

Immediately, Klaus picked her up before vamp-speed them into his bedroom. He pulled away as he stared down at the hybrid girl underneath him. Her lips were slightly parted as she gasped for air. Her eyes shined dangerously at him. The corner of her lips tugged up into a smile before he placed his lips on top of hers again.

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