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In a dimly lit chamber, the air thickened with an ominous tension as Beck, a sinister figure, advanced methodically towards Hermione. Each step seemed to echo the cruel fate that hung in the balance, freezing Harry's heart in an agonizing mixture of dread and disbelief. The room, adorned with shadows, intensified the eerie atmosphere, casting long, grotesque silhouettes on the cold, stone walls.

Beck's wand, held with malevolent intent, traced an arcane pattern through the air. A crimson light emanated from its tip, converging on Hermione's almost lifeless form. The red glow, a harbinger of suffering, collided with her body, prompting an involuntary yelp that reverberated through the desolate space. Harry, helpless and tormented, unleashed a scream that seemed to echo the very anguish of his soul.

Hermione's once vibrant dress now bore the grotesque stains of her own life force. Blood, like a macabre painting, started to pour from the wounds, amplifying the visceral horror of the scene. Harry's lips quivered as he begged Beck to cease the torment, offering himself in exchange for Hermione's pain. Each desperate plea seemed to hang in the air, entangled with the palpable dread.

Beck, unmoved by Harry's pleas, continued to cast spells with an almost sadistic precision. Hermione, in the clutches of this malevolent dance, started to fade before Harry's anguished eyes. Her breaths became shallow, her eyes slowly closing, as if surrendering to the encroaching darkness.

Abruptly, the heavy door swung open with a resounding bang, revealing a tall, lanky figure with jade eyes. His entrance, ghostly and foreboding, added another layer of complexity to the unfolding nightmare. In his hands, a wrapped parcel hinted at an unknown twist in the tale. He handed it to Beck with a nod, disappearing into the shadows like a phantom.

Beck's eyes gleamed with a twisted excitement that sent shivers down Harry's spine. "The fun is just about to begin, Potter," he taunted, relishing the torment he inflicted. The room crackled with an electric anticipation, like the calm before a storm.

Turning back to Hermione, Beck prepared for another onslaught of spells. Harry's heart sank as he realized the nightmarish ordeal showed no signs of ending. Just as Beck raised his wand, a sudden redirection of the red light sent him sprawling into a dark corner, momentarily disoriented.

A blinding jet of white light struck Harry, leaving him momentarily stunned. Emerging from the concealed corners of the room, Luna, Neville, Percy, George, and Ron with many Auror's on tail materialized. Each peeled off invisibility cloaks, revealing themselves like specters emerging from the shadows. Chaos ensued as Death Eaters poured into the room, their menacing presence heightening the already frenetic atmosphere.

Amid the swirling chaos, Ron's urgent voice cut through. "Harry, grab Hermione and go!" he shouted over the bedlam. Harry, with a sense of urgency etched on his face, rushed towards Hermione's crimson-stained figure. Her eyelids drooped, and Harry cradled her in his arms, the weight of desperation and love intertwined.

Pleading with her to stay with him, Harry fervently whispered assurances that everything would be alright, though uncertainty gripped his own heart. As he flicked his wand to dispel the anti-apparition charm, he held Hermione close. The crimson stains on her dress bore witness to the nightmarish encounter as they vanished from the chaotic room, emerging into the hauntingly quiet hallways of St. Mungo's.

The echoes of Harry's desperate plea lingered in the air, "Hermione, don't leave me. I love you. Please stay with me," carried by the unseen currents of despair that trailed behind them.


Harry's heart pounded in his chest like a relentless drum as he paced back and forth in front of the healer. The sterile scent of the hospital only heightened the anxiety that gripped him.

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