Before he could dwell on those thoughts the lecturer dismissed them and he excitedly went to the dance studio. He had even left Jeongin and Seungmin behind.

However there was no Minho in the dance studio and this pissed Chan off. Everyone started coming and after some minutes he smelt Minho's faint sandalwood scent.

Before long Minho barged in through the door and apologized for being late but in actually reality the apology was meant for Chan. Chan just side eyed him and gave him a disgusted look.

"Okay what choreo did we decide upon?" Minho asked as he scrolled through his phone." Halazia by Ateez." The class said." Okay since it's our first choreo I guess we're back to groups. Right?" Minho said.

The class agreed and he nodded." Okay y'all already know the drill. Follow me." Minho said as he went to the other part of the studio and the leaders followed him.

"Okay this choreo is easy but then it's not easy. Watch closely as I do it." Minho said and they nodded. He danced to the song and he hit every beat.

The choreo was honestly satisfying to watch but then it required a lot of energy which most of them didn't have at the moment.

Minho guided them through the choreo and they were surprisingly all doing utter rubbish that it was starting to get on his nerves.

"I guess many of us are down today. How about we choose a much easier choreo?" Minho said." Just one last try. If we can't do it then we'll have to change it." Yeonjun said.

"Okay." Minho said as he got into position." I need you to make up a little song in your head that makes it easier to catch the choreo." Minho said.

"Random funny shit in your head while dancing? That shit slaps and it makes the choreo easy." Minho continued and they laughed because it was the first time they heard Minho swear.

Minho created a funny random song that fit well with the choreo and everyone laughed while practicing to it but they slowly got the hang of it.

"That was insanely helpful." Jimin said and everyone nodded." Okay I hope now the choreo will be easy to learn. You ready?" Minho said and everyone nodded.

The group did as Minho was doing and the choreo flowed this time around and Minho felt himself smiling." Oh my gosh! This was the missing puzzle." Seonghwa said as he did the choreo alone while everyone was taking a break.

They cheered at him for catching the choreo so easily. Chan was busy singing the song in his mind and thinking what beats he could add to it.

They soon went back to the class and then taught them the choreo which everyone caught easily. They then danced to it in groups and the lesson ended.

"I hope y'all had fun in today's class. You were awesome as always. Try to practice as much as you can at home and record yourself to see your progress." Minho said and the class gave out a bunch of yeses.

" Okay then we may go." Minho waved at them and they waved back as they took their bags while heading to different destinations.

Chan went to the shower rooms with no intention of talking to Minho. He was just a bit mad that Minho hadn't kept his promise. He took a quick shower and came out only to find Minho waiting for him.

"Chan?" Minho's honeyed voice came out. Chan looked at him and the shower door contemplating if he should just get away from him and if he happens to run away would he be fast enough to lock the door before Minho came in.

"Come on. You're not fast enough to lock the door before I come in." Minho smiled and Chan's eyes widened with realization that he had actually said that aloud.

He looked intently behind Minho and the moment Minho turned around he made a run for it. By the time Minho turned around Chan was already on the move.

Minho wondered why Chan liked to run away from him so much when he knew he couldn't outrun him in any universe and lifetime.

Minho tsked before running after Chan and Chan tried to close the door on his face but Minho got in and closed the door.

"Minho step back." Chan went backwards as Minho approached him." Now you've got no room to run away." Minho smiled at Chan who was trapped between him and the wall.

Minho pulled Chan into a hug and smelled his scent. Chan also gave into the touch and smelled his mate's scent as he slowly hugged back.

The fresh sandalwood scent from Minho smelled so manly, so alpha that the omega in him wanted to submit to his mate immediately. He didn't know what was happening to him but he just wanted his mate to touch him and claim him.

Minho pulled away from the hug and caressed Chan's cheek before caressing his lower lip. Chan bit his lower lip as his shyness increased every second.

Minho chuckled at his cute mate before diving in for a kiss. Chan's hands instantly locked on Minho's nape and Minho's hands settled on Chan's waist.

Minho pulled Chan even closer as he deepened their kiss and shoved his tongue down Chan's mouth. Chan's hold became light as the oxygen was knocked off him and Minho held him even tighter as he broke off the kiss.

Chan was panting and Minho held him close so he could take in his scent. Chan's hands settled on Minho's chest and he laid his head there while trying to calm himself down.

Finally Chan calmed down and looked at Minho." Hi baby." Minho smiled at him and Chan's knees buckled." Hi." Chan whispered and looked at the floor.

"Arghh why do you do this? This is so freaking cute." Minho referred to Chan's habit of whispering when he's shy. Chan blushed at the compliment and smiled a bit.

"I'm sorry for not seeing you before class." Minho kissed and bit Chan's neck and Chan moaned softly." You lied to me." Chan said sadly.

"I know my love I know. I just got held up somewhere." Minho said and Chan nodded." Are you still mad?" Minho asked softly and Chan shook his head.

"You usually tell me when you're mad so what's the matter today?" Minho asked." Nothing. I usually get mad at you but you never get mad at me. It's not fair." Chan mumbled.

"That's because of how we're made up. You're more emotionally sensitive than me and also a bit sensitive due to what happened." Minho said and Chan nodded slowly with understanding.

"Okay." Chan's voice cracked when Minho licked his jawline. He was enjoying the little touches that Minho was offering him.

"Now tell me truthfully. Are you mad at me?"Minho slipped his hand under Chan's t shirt and traced his abs while simultaneously kissing his neck.

Chan's breath hitched and he held tight onto Minho's shoulders. He moaned quietly and nodded as he couldn't even get himself to speak. The effect his mate had on him was undeniable.

"I'm sorry my love. Please forgive me? I'll do better next time." Minho kissed Chan's Adam's apple. Chan hummed his approval as he couldn't even find the strength to say yes.

Minho stopped his movements and gave Chan some time to regain composure of himself. After calming down he gently led him to the car and went home.

To be continued

Somebody give me a Minho 😭🧎

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